Socio-economic survey at Sihanoukville, the Kingdom of Cambodia

Date: 15 - 19 November 2011
Venue: Sihanoukville, the Kingdom of Cambodia

Socio-economic survey with small-scale fisheries at Sihanoukville Province, Cambodia


15 November 2011

Leave SEAFDEC/TD for Sihanoukville

16 November 2011

Visit Fisheries Community at Sihanoukville and discussion on site and work plan with FiA’s staffs

17 November 2011

Interview fishermen

18 November 2011

Interview fishermen

19 November 2011

Leave Sihanoukville for Phnom Penh

The survey was conducted by meeting with fisheries officers at Kampong Som Cantonment, to discuss on appropriate site for data collection, number of fishermen in each village, main of fishing gears, main of fish species, and including available time to visit of each village. There are 5 villages in Prey Nup District to visiting, Chum Pou Khmoa, Be Krang, Bantay Prey, Beung Raing, and Chrolong, and need to collect 10 fishermen per village.

After observation at site visiting, we had decided to collect 4 villages namely Chum Pou Khmoa, Be Krang, Chrolong, and Prey Pross, one village of Prey Nup II District. Bantay Prey and Beung Raing villages had small number of coastal small-scale fishermen and most of them was the small-scale inland fisheries, and fishing for household consumption only.

For the interviewing, the total questionnaires was 52 samples that divided into 22 samples from Chrolong, 16 samples from Chum Pou Khmoa, 7 samples from Be Krang, and 7 samples from Prey Pross. The main fishing gears of Chum Pou Khmao were push net by hand, hook and line, collapsible crab trap, shrimp gill net, fish gill net, dredge cockle and collecting mud crab/mangrove crab by hand, the target species were mud crab, shrimp, mackerel, cat fish, blood cockle, etc. The main fishing gears of Bek Krang were fish/shrimp gill net, trawler, collapsible crab trap, dredge, push net, and collecting mud crab by hand, the main species of fish were mackerel, blood cockle, and shrimp. The main fishing gears of Prey Pross were swimming crab gill net and collapsible crab trap, main species were swimming crab, and mud crab. The main fishing gears of Chrolong were collapsible crab trap, cast net, fyke net, crab gill net, fish gill net, shrimp gill net and collecting mud crab/mangrove crab by hand, the target species were mud crab, swimming crab, mullet, cat fish and shrimp.

The main problem of small-scale fishermen in Sihanoukville, almost of fishermen need to change to a new occupation, but they are none education, so they don’t have idea and skill to get a new job.
