The Regional Workshop/Expert Consultation on the Identification of Critical Fishing Grounds and on Regional Habitat Rehabilitation and Management Approach

Date: 11-13 October 2011

Venue: Jasmine City Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand


1. To update information on the existing critical fishing grounds in Southeast Asian region
2. To identify appropriate and effective resources enhancement tools, measures and rehabilitation plan for various fishing grounds and fishery habitats
3. To share the updated information and experiences on the critical fishing grounds aspects and to strengthen the collaboration and cooperation among SEAFDEC member countries
4. To
formulate strategies and actions plan in rehabilitating the selected critical fishing grounds and coastal habitat particularly through the applicable practice of responsible fisheries in order to achieve sustainable coastal fisheries and environment friendly aspects

Inputs of experiences and lesson-learned from participants will fully contribute to identify critical fishing grounds, fisheries habitats and to find out the way to proper management and rehabilitation plans of fishing grounds and habitats in ASEAN member countries.

Conclusion and Recommendations
The Deputy Secretary-General of SEAFDEC, Mr. Kenji Matsumoto, welcomed the participants and observers to the Regional Workshop. He emphasized on that the demersal fish were over exploitation and dramatically declining. Therefore, it is very important to serve and protect the critical fisheries habitat in marine and freshwater ecosystem. He expressed the hope that the participants would share and exchange the experience on the critical fishing grounds as well as to make use of the outcome of this Workshop as a guideline for developing a plan of action in respective countries for sustainable use of fisheries resources in our region. He then declared the workshop open. After that, Dr. Yuttana Theparoonrat gave a presentation on the background, objective, and expects outcomes to the workshop.
The country paper presentation were presented by SEAFDEC member country by reviewing and updating information the status of known critical spawning and nursery areas (fishing ground) for pelagic and demersal in the region. After that, Dr. Somboon Siriraksophon kindly clarified on the meaning and indicators for identification the critical fishing grounds, spawning and habitat and also the scientific basis for identifying fisheries refugia. Moreover, the workshop was receive various comments from the participants. Besides, the meeting also discussed on how to identify the critical fishing ground, spawning ground, nursing ground, and fisheries refugia. As well as, the meeting also clarified on the problems and barriers of the implementation of the critical fishing ground management in their respective countries. Then, the implementation plans of actions on the regional habitat rehabilitation and management approach were raised to discuss in the meeting.
For the recommendations, the meeting would gain valuable comments from the participants. It is useful to improve the critical habitats and fishing grounds. In this concerned, there were divided into 5 types of critical habitat/fishing grounds namely mangrove, coral reef, seagrass, marine fishing ground, and fishing ground for inland fisheries. In each type would be clarified on the role of fish habitat/fishing grounds, issues of fish habitat/fishing grounds, management approach to improve/enhancement of critical habitat/fishing grounds, and constraints, it was show as Annex 1(For more information, please contact the blog master)

At the end of the workshop, the Deputy Secretary-General of SEAFDEC, Mr. Kenji Matsumoto, thanked all the participants and staff for making this workshop a great success. He strongly certain that the outcomes and experiences from this workshop are useful for SEAFDEC member countries to develop and establish the habitat rehabilitation practices and management plans in their respective countries. Moreover, he expresses his gratitude for the active participation in sharing and exchanging experiences for this workshop and declared the workshop closed
