Report trip for Resources Management Survey at Klong Kone Sub-District, Samut Songkhram Province

Date: 21 November 2013

1. To collect data on meal serving activity of KKMCC eco-tourism.
2. To collect data on involvement of KKMCC eco-tourism.

The Social team interviewed Mr. Phenithi (Chet) Rattanapongthara, leader of Klong Kone Mangrove Conservation Center (KKMCC), about the number of member and number of visitor. He explained that there are 138 members in KKMCC, who come from Village no. 2, 3, 5 and 7. However, member of KKMCC mostly stay in Village no.2 and 3, they earn income from boat rental for eco-tourism. The member from village no. 5 and 7 can gain income from take care of sea hut, they receive 50 baht per 1 visitor. He also explained on the mangrove planting areas which cover around 12,000 Rai. For the percentage of visitor in this year, He mention that 40%, 30%, 20% and 10% of visitors are Education Institute, Company, Government, and Tourist (foreigners), respectively.  

The Social team interview Ms. Sarunya (Nui) Rattanapongthara, who in charge of prepare food for visitors. She said that the members of meal serving activity has 5 persons and the menu of food serving are created depend on material and favorable dish for tourist. They buy all material from Maekong market. They can get 300 baht/time for cooking. If the tourists stay overnight, they can get 500 baht/time.

To study the opinion of fisher on the fisheries resources and natural environment while the eco-tourism has operated, the social team conducted data collection by interviewing the fishers who do not involve in eco-tourism activities. The main target group of sample is fisher in Village no.2 and 3 and total number of fisher interviewed is 9 fishers. Most fisher do fishing by collect cockle, green mussel culturing and some fisher have shrimp aquaculture.

Training course on Facilitating Fisheries Information Gathering Through Introduction of Community-based Fisheries Management

Date: 17-20 June 2013 and 27 October-1 November 2013
Venue: Luang Prabang and Champasack Province, respectively

1. To transfer the knowledge on Lao Fisheries law to local officer and local fishing community.
2. To introduce the knowledge and experience on practical approach to community-based fisheries management and co-management to local fishing community of  Lao PDR.
3. To strengthen practical in competence in cooperation and implementing the applicable inland fishery management plans by local fishing community.
4. Support establishing support officer system towards institutional building of stakeholders for inland fisheries management through capacity building for fisheries extension activities.
5. Provide the practical tool and methodology of fisheries data collection in inland small-scale fisheries for better development and management of fisheries resources to ensure sustainable livelihood for fishing communities.

The Government of Lao PDR promotes on fisheries communities to manage fisheries such as operation on illegal fishing activities by themselves, thus fisheries communities, and institutional as the leader or core person to encourages fishers and farmers through transferring knowledge and activities on sustainable fisheries development and co-management in inland fisheries. In order to promote the concept of community-based fisheries management and co-management to local fishing community, the Department of Livestock and Fisheries of Lao PDR was requested to SEAFDEC for supporting to conduct an on-site training course on facilitating fisheries information gathering through introduction of community-based fisheries management for local fisheries officers of Lao PDR. Therefore, Two training courses were conducted as Lao PDR requested. The first training was conducted in Luang Prabang from 17-20 June 2013. The second training was conducted from 27 October-1 November 2013 in Champasack Province in Lao PDR.

The presentations was the same as on-site training in SEAFDEC's Member Countries. There are both lecture and workshop. The lecture focused on 1) the importance of resource management for sustainable fisheries, 2) Appropriate Monitoring Control and Surveillance, 3) Community-based fisheries management, 4) How to introduce and facilitate community-based fisheries management to fisheries community,  5) Rights-based fisheries management, 6) Concept and effective Methodology on Data Collection, 7) Data collection through CBFM, 8) Improving management of financial and economic activities including promotion of alternative livelihood in fishing communities, 9) Case study on community-based management in Nam Haum reservoir, 10) Establishment of fisher group: under SEAFDEC’s project, 11) Ecosystem approach to fisheries management. Moreover, there are lectures from Laos' side such as introduce Lao fisheries law and Lesson learned on fisheries co-management guideline

In addition, the workshop on "how to organize community-based management in each province through reviewing difficulty and find the way go forward" was conducted by divided the participants into 3 groups. The session 1 of the workshop was to conduct pre survey of community, session 2 was education for Community Fisher, session 3 was organize core person meeting, session 4 was establish community fisheries management organization. The participants were very active to participate the workshop.

In course evaluation, the participants were very appreciated and thank to SEAFDEC and DLF of Lao PDR for organizing the training course. Futhermore, the participants suggessted that the training should be organized again and should be extend more than 5 days. As well as the discusstion session is short, it should have more time to discuss.

Report on collecting the secondary data at Chumphon Province (Under SEAFDEC-RIHN Project)

Date: 10-13 October 2013


In consistence with the SEAFDEC-RIHN project, Component 4: Field survey for data and information collection of social and economic aspects. On 19-23 August 2013, the SEAFDEC-RIHN team collected the primary data by interviewing the fishermen in 4 sub-districts in Chumphon Province, which is the one project site for component 4 It is important to gather the secondary data in each Sub-District. This survey therefore aim to collect the secondary data from fisheries officer in four sub-districts namely, Bang Son, Sa Phli, Chum Kho, and Pak Khlong Sub-District.

In addition, GEF International Waters would like to product the short film to be shown at the 7th Biennial International Waters Conference in October of year 2013. The film is emphasized on the importance of Fish Refugia in the South China Sea. Chumphon is the one province which effective on Fish Refugia implementation by Department of Fisheries, Thailand. Therefore, this trip cooperated with GEF International Waters to interview and take VDO of the fishermen who are main local beneficiaries from Fish Refugia in Chumphon Province.


1. To collect the secondary data at Pathew District, Chumphon Province, which is one part of RIHN project site at Bang Sapan Bay on 10-13 October 2013.
2. To counterpart with FAO/UNEP/GEF on interview and take VDO with Pakklong Fishers Group at Pathew District, Chumphon Province on 12 October 2013.

 Discussion with Pakklong Fishers group leader.
SEAFDEC team visited Pakklong Fishers group leader, Mr. Wara Ket-umpai, on 10 October 2013, Ms. Sumitra explained the objectives of this trip to group leader.  After that, SEAFDEC team visited the fisheries officer in 4 Sub-District namely, Bang Son, Saphli, Chum Kho, and Pak Khlong Sub-District at Pathew District to collect the data. The main data and information are general information and socio-economic information in Sub-District. For example, location and territory, total area, boundary of village, population number, infrastructure, and occupation. According to collect the data, Mr. Pisut Krutpuksri, officer of Pathew Sub-District Fisheries Officer, and Mr. Narong Moungthongkum, fisher's group member, kindly assisted the team to collect the data in each Sub-District.

At Bang Son Sub-District, Bang Son Sub-District Administrative Organization (SAO) is changed to Tambon Bang Son Municipality since year 2009. There are 7 villages which comprised of Moo 1. Ban Na Thap, Moo 2. Ban Don Takien, Moo 3. Ban Ko Samed, Moo 4. Ban Bang Seap, Moo 5. Ban Huanon, Moo 6. Ban Kokmar, and Moo 8. Ban Laem Yang (Moo 7. is under Tambon Pathew Municipality). Only Moo 1 and 8 are adjacent to the sea. The population in this municipality is 3,178 persons (male is 1,583 and female is 1,595 persons) and it has 1,204 households. The area under the administration of municipality is 83.87 sq. km. The main occupations are agriculture such as palm, rubber, coconut farm.

At Saphli Sub-District, there are two administrations namely, Tambon Sa Phli Municipality and Sub-District Administrative Organization. SEAFDEC team visied both two administrations. Tambon Sphli Municipality has area for administration around 6.15 sq. km. comprised of four villages that are all area of Moo 5. Ban Chai Talay, and some area of Moo 1. Ban Nong Plalai, Moo 4. Ban Khoun, Moo 9. Ban Huayta-oon, which Moo 1. and Moo 5. are close to the sea. Moreover, the administration of Tambon Saphli Municipality has divided into 3 communities that are Ban Thasamed community, Ban Tonmakham community, and Ban Chai Talay community. The main occupations are agriculture (coconut, rubber, palm farm) and shrimp farm in some areas. The population around 2,274 persons divided into male 1,106 and female 1,168 persons, and 942 households.

In addition, the total area under the administration of Saphli SAO has area around 82 sq. km. There are covered of 10 villages (it's comprised of all area of Moo 2. Ban Pakklong, Moo 3. Ban Donka, Moo 6. Ban Pruyai, Moo 7. Ban Klongyai, Moo 8. Ban Thungwualaen, Moo 10. Ban Khaolukklong, Moo 11. Ban Prupling, and some areas of Moo 1. Ban Nong Plalai, Moo 4. Ban Khoun, Moo 9. Ban Huayta-oon) in which 2 villages (Moo 1. and Moo. 8) near to the sea. Furthermore, the population is 5,689 persons divided into male 2,756 and female 2,933 persons, and 2,199 households. The main occupations are agriculture, fisheries and trade.

Tambon Chum Kho Municipality has area to administrate around 197 sq. km. The total population is 10,225 persons divided into male 5,051 and female 5,174 persons. The total household in this municipality is 4,351 households. The main occupations are agriculture (palm, rubber, durian farm), fisheries and labor. This municipality cover 14 villages (Moo 1. Ban Laem Than, Moo 2. Ban Don Sai, Moo 3. Ban Tam Khao Puu, Moo 4. Ban Klong Wong Chang, Moo 5. Ban Bang Jak, Moo 6. Ban Bo Mao, Moo 7. Ban Sapsomboon, Moo 8. Ban Chongmud, Moo 9. Ban Don Plug Moo, Moo 10. Ban Ko Phoom, Moo 11. Ban Thung Yor, Moo 12. Ban Chumsap, Moo 13. Ban Somboonsuk, Moo 14. Ban Pra Cha Ti Patai). There are only Moo 1, 2, 5, and 6 near the sea.   

Pak Klong Sub-District has area 117 sq. km. and it's under administration of Pak Klong Sub-District Administrative Organization. There are 7 villages namely, Moo 1. Ban Thungmaha, Moo 2. Ban Bo Sam Rong, Moo 3. Ban Thum Thong, Moo 4. Ban Bang Waen, Moo 5. Ban Nam Phu, Moo 6. Ban Bon Rai, Moo 7. Ban Tha Add, in which Moo. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 near the sea. Fisheries and agriculture are the main occupation of this Sub-District. The total population is 4,415 persons comprised of male 2,167 and female 2,248 persons. The number of household is 1,537 households.  

At Pathew District Office, SEAFDEC team collected more data on socio-economic information that was  Basic Minimum Need (BMN) information and NRD2C information of Pathew District because some information especially income cannot find in Sub-District level.  Moreover, the officer gave us the soft file data, which can open in the Program of BMN and NRD2C.   

Making VDO of the Fish Refugia in Pak Klong Sub-District
On 12 October, GEF International Waters with the collaboration of SEAFDEC team to make a short film by interviewing the fishermen who are beneficially on Fish Refugia at Pak Klong Sub-District. After discussed with Mr. Wara , head of fisher group, and Mr. Songkran Boonlear, fisher group member, on the plan to make a film, GEF team was start by interviewing the fisher group member on the importance and benefits from Fish Refugia. The Fish Refugia has benefit to fisherman and also fisheries resources. The fisherman found that fish is increasing after area closed during 15 February to 15 May. Due to, some fishing gears (i.e. push net except push net which have boat length lower than 14 meter, can do fishing outside 3 km. from the shore)  are not allow to do fishing during the close season. In addition, GEF team also interviewed the head of fisher group on the fisheries management in Pak Klong Sub-District, Pathew District.

On-site Training on Practical Approach to Co-management in Inland and Coastal Fisheries of Cambodia

SEAFDEC organized the training course on Practical Approach to Co-management in Inland Fisheries of Cambodia at Siem Reap Province on 20-23 May 2013, while the training course on Practical Approach to Co-management in Coastal Fisheries of Cambodia at Sihanoukville Province on 23-27 September 2013.

The overall objective of the training course is to protect and manage critical fisheries habitats to ensure sustainable fisheries resource. Related to the above mention, the learning training has the intention for the fisheries officers to understand and get the knowledge of community-based management and rights-based fisheries management including to strengthen practical in competence in planning and implementing the applicable inland fishery management plans. As well as the training course hope the fisheries officers can be  the trainers on organizing the community-based management with knowledge of rights-based fisheries management training course for local fishermen groups.

The training was attended by the representative of fisheries officers from inland and coastal fisheries of Cambodia (such as Preah Sihanouk, Kampot, Koh Kong, Kampong Cham, Kratie, Prey Veng, Kandal, and Takao Province) including the representative officers from Community Fishery Development Department. 
The training was started by SEAFDEC's presentations: 1. The importance of resource management for sustainable fisheries, 2. Appropriate Monitoring Control and Surveillance (MCS) need for resource management in conjunction with community based co-management, 3. Community-based fisheries management: Importance of autonomous fisheries management by community, 4. How to introduce and facilitate community-based fisheries management to fisheries community,  5. Rights-based fisheries management and support system (Extension work) by government, 6. Concept and effective Methodology on Data Collection, 7. Data collection through CBFM, 8. Improving management of financial and economic activities including promotion of alternative livelihood in fishing communities, 9. Ecosystem approach to fisheries management. In addition, Cambodia side also presented on: 1. The Study of the indicator of fishery status, 2. Socio-economic information and Formulating data and information questionnaire for the community, and theory and practices on fisheries law. Furthermore, the participants discussed to develop and improve the sub decree on Community Fisheries (CFi) management and declaration on CFi guideline of Cambodia.
In addition, the fisheries officers who have attended the training of trainers on "Practical Approach to Co-management in Inland Fisheries of Cambodia" had a chance to transfer their knowledge and experiences to the community fisheries in their jurisdiction area. Regarding on this occasion, SEAFDEC with the cooperation of Cambodia organized "Mobile On-site Training Program on Applicable Fisheries Management Approaches for Sustainable Fisheries in Inland Fisheries of Cambodia" which organized on 4-7 June 2013 at Siem Reap Province, Cambodia.

The fisheries officers had a lecture to local fisheries officers of Cambodia. The topics were the same as SEAFDEC and Cambodia presentations. Moreover, the participants had a field study trip on natural resource management and conservation in Kampong Phluk, Siem Reap.

Report Trip for Household Survey at Rayong Province

Date: 16-20 September 2013

1. To interview fisheries household at coastal small-scale fisheries
2. To discuss and get more information on situation of coastal small-scale fisheries after oil spill at Ko Samet


16 September 2013
SEAFDEC team visited Mr. Jaii, one committee of Klang Municipal fishers group, to get more information on oil spill at Ko Samet.  Mr. Jaii and his friend mentioned on fisheries resources and payment reparation that the number of member is increasing from 63 to 75 after oil spill attached at Ko Samet on 27 July 2013 because small-scale fishermen need to get reparation (30,000 Baht per one fishing boat). Squid trap fishing gear must go to fishing farther than previous because old fishing ground did not meet soft cuttlefish, and the total catch is less. Now, the cost of fishing per trip is high but income is less, which compare with last year at the same time. In case of blue swimming crab fishing by bottom gill net, one member of group mentioned that the price of blue swimming crab is decreasing from 250 Baht to 100 Baht because nobody consumed crab from this area, they are worry on mercury from oil in sea food. Mr. Tid, group leader mentioned more on impact from oil spill that sardine is disappear from this area and he did not see fish school around Ko Kudi, where near Ko Samet.

17 September 2013
In the morning, social team visited Sala Keaw fishers group. Mr. Suwan, vice leader of Sala Keaw Fishers Group, gave information that number of member is 9 members. This group established at 40 years ago, with 30 members initiates. This group registered at last 3 years with Fisheries Provincial.  After group has been registration, Ban Phe municipal provided infrastructure of concrete floor and roof for group to packing fishing gear and activity operation including for landing site. The main fishing gear is crab gill net, and main species is blue swimming crab.  This group plan to establish crab bank activity, by requesting budget from government concern, because he and his member understand on rehabilitation fisheries resources and they believed that crab bank activity will be increased blue swimming crab. 
In the afternoon, social team visited Klang Sub-District Administrative Organization Fishers Group, which we have appointed group leader to interview yesterday. Mr. Bergreung, group leader, explained some information on group situation and some impact from oil spill. The main fishing gears of this group are squid trap, crab gill net and fish gill net. The number of member is increasing from 70 to 80, after oil spill.  This group is the first group of land site got reparation from Petroleum Authority of Thailand (PPT). He mentioned more that accident from oil spill made conflict in his group because some member agree to get reparation but some member did not agree.

 18 September 2013
In the morning, social team visited Nuan Trip Fishing port fishers group. Mr. Vichien Sirimaha, group leader, mentioned that the number of member is 11 remain, some member moved to other occupation and dead, no more new member in this group.  The main fishing gears are crab gill net, fish gill net and collapsible crab trap. There are 2 middlemen and 2 cages of crab bank in front of his group. 

In the afternoon, social team visited Kok Leam Tien fishers group. We met Mr. U-lay Sinsamut, group leader. This group registered with Fisheries Provincial at last year. There are 3 middlemen. Main fishing gears are crab gill net, fish gill net, fish trap and squid jigging. He mentioned on impact from oil spill that cost of fishing per trip is higher than last time because the fishing ground is too far. 

19 September 2013
In the morning, social team visited Kok Leam Tien fishers group to interview fishermen. The name of landing site of this group is Nai Kok. There are 3 fishers groups to packing fishing boat in monsoon season namely, Kok Leam Tien, Konh Aoa and Baan Hin Kaow. We met new fishers group, which Fisheries Provincial did not record this group in a list of Province. Therefore, the number of fishers group in Rayong is 28 groups. The location of Baan Hin Kaow fishers group is between Kok Leam Tien and Konh Aoa. Mr. Vichien Kongcharoen, group leader, said that there are 25 members, and number of member is increasing after oil spill. The main fishing gears are shrimp trammel net, crab gill net and hook. 

In the afternoon, social team visited Konh Aoa fishers group. Mr. Bumrung (Tid), group leader, said that the main fishing gears are crab gill net, fish gill net and hook. There are middlemen around 3-4 middlemen buy aquatic animal from this group. This group had been participated in Set-Net fishing gear with SEAFDEC initiate. He mentioned more on fishing boat registration that small-scale fishermen need good registration system and management by government supporting to the disaster.
20 September 2013
SEAFDEC/TD, RIHN by Dr. Kazuo Watanabe and KU by Dr. Methee Keawnern had a meeting and discussion on sharing information between component 4: Field survey for data and information collection of social and economic aspects. The main topic focused on the secondary data of fisheries community from government concern (such as local government, municipal, and Sub-District Administrative Organization). As well as there was an interview with head of village or Sub-District. The result of meeting need more information, which social team will be collecting more in the next survey of social survey in Rayong and Prachuap Kiri Khan Provinces.
The total samples of fisheries household of this trip is 43, composed of five fishers groups of 15 samples of Klang Sub-District Administrative Organization, 6 samples of Nuan Trip fishing port, 3 samples of Sala Keaw, 10 samples of Kok Leam Tien and 10 samples of Konh Aoa.

Impact of oil spill at Ko Samet by small-scale fishermen: Group leader and member of fishers group gave an information on situation of small-scale fisheries in Rayong after oil spill that
-          Fishermen, who get direct impact from oil spill, requested reparation from Petroleum Authority of Thailand 2,000 Baht per day for 2 months,
-          Need Petroleum Authority of Thailand/Government present the reparation to coastal community plan, if oil spill again in the future.

Information from Government concern on oil spill at Ko Samet: After oil spill on 27 July 2013 at Ko Samet, Phe Sub-District, Muang District, Rayong Province, Rayong Provincial Governor were coordinator between stakeholder along coastline of Rayong and Petroleum Authority of Thailand.  The stakeholder are fishermen (who have fishing boat), resort owner, tourist, restaurant and service (rental boat, rental car, etc).  There are about 10,000 persons of stakeholder, who applied attention to get reparation, and about 4,000 persons of that amount is boat’s owner.

On August, PPT gave the first payment of reparation to 2,000 fishermen (30,000 Baht per one fishing boat), who have fishing boat, but small-scale fisheries association of Rayong sent 4,000 fishermen to get reparation.  In the list of Fisheries Provincial have 2,000 fishing boat (commercial and small-scale fisheries). So PPT stopped to pay reparation, and need to verify on boat’s owner before payment.

Now there are problem between government and small-scale fishermen. Small-scale fishermen, who get direct impact from oil spill, need to register their boat with Fisheries Provincial to get reparation but they must be waiting for verifying by PPT before payment reparation. Meanwhile commercial fisheries, who not get direct impact but their boat have registration and license with Rayong Fisheries Provincial, get reparation already.

Report Trip for Household Survey at Pathew District, Chumphon Province

Date: 19-23 August 2013

1. To study on fisheries management by coastal small-scale fishers group
2. To study the structure of fish distribution from fishermen to middleman


19 August 2013
Social team left BKK for at Baan Koh Teap (village no.7), Pak Khlong Sub-District, Pathew District, Chumphon Province to observe on small-scale fisheries. The main fishing gears are collapsible crab trap and bottom gill net. The main species is blue swimming crab. This village is famous on crab bank activity, which is one fisheries management approach.  Crab bank system of this village is original to other coastal areas in Thailand, almost of gravid crab for crab bank donated by collapsible crab trap fishermen.

20 August 2013
In the morning, social team visited and reverenced head of Chumphon Fisheries Provincial, Mr. Somyos Sukcharoen. Social team explained the objectives of project and the survey. We got a lot of information on number of fishing boat, fishing gear, total catch of each fishing gear by logbook and type of fisheries management project, which DOF supported budget and material to coastal area at Pathew District. After discussion with Fisheries Provincial, we moved to Pak Khlong Sub-District, which we had appointment with Mr. Wara Ket-umpai, leader of Pak Khlong Fishers Group. Social team had interview the leader, 2 fishermen (group member), and 4 middlemen of Pak Khlong Sub-District. The main fishing gears are squid castnet and the main species is Splendid squid (loligo duvauceli).
 21 August 2013
In the morning, social team met Mr. Pisuthi Kuthpaksri, head of Pathew Fisheries Officer at Saphli Sub-District. He was counterpart with our team to visit representative of coastal small-scale fishers group of Saphli Sub-District. In addition, Mr. Narong had been leader of coastal small-scale fishers group of Saphi Sub-District but his group was collapsed at last 10 years because financial system is not transparency, one committee escaped with group’s capital. The social team interviewed 2 middlemen and 3 fishermen of Saphli Sub-District. The main fishing gear is bottom gill net, and main species is blue swimming crab. In the afternoon, social team visited Bang son and Chum Kho Sub-District with Mr. Pisuthi. The fishermen of two Sub-District are closely friend because they used the same cannel to packing fishing boat. This cannel is multipurpose for fishermen. It is for boat packing, transportation and fish cage culture. The main species of fish cage culture is sea bass. About 10 fishermen of Bang-son Sub- District have fish cage culture in this cannel. We interviewed one middleman from Chum Kho and 2 middlemen from Bang son.

22 August 2013
In the morning, SEAFDEC team visited Pak Khlong Sub-District, to interview more fishermen and middlemen. We have interviewed more 3 samples of fisheries management and 2 middlemen in village no. 3 and village no. 7 of Pak Khlong Sub-District.

For Fish distribution
1. Dry squid in Pak Khlong Sub-District;
The main species in Pak Khlong Sub-District is squid by squid castnet fishing gear. There are 5 small-middlemen in Pak Khlong Sub-District. They buy fresh squid and making dry squid and then sent product to big middleman in Pak Khlong Sub-District. There are 10-15 fishermen of squid castnet are under one small middleman. Every morning, small middleman would buy fresh squid from fishermen and make it dry about half day (depend on sun shine), this step small middleman would engage women in village for cutting squid and dry. The rate for cutting is 5 Baht per kg of fresh squid and rate for drying is 10 Baht per one basket. Then they would bring product to sale big middleman by size selection (10 sizes start from one inch to 10 inch) before sale but small middleman would buy fresh squid from fishermen only 3 size.

2. Mud crab in Saphli Sub-District;
Saphli Sub-District have a lot of mangrove forest and one main species of this area is mud crab. There are two middlemen in Saphli Sub-District, who buy mud crab from fishermen. After middlemen buy mud crab from fishermen, they will start by; 1) selecting the best crab of male and female. The best crab should be heavy weigh (if light crab, it will be culture to soft shell crab). 2) good crab will be separated to male and female, 3) male crab will be selected to 4 sizes, 200 g, 250 g, 300 g, and 350 g. 4) female crab will be selected to 4 sizes also, but the weight is difference by 300 g, 400 g, 450 g, and 500 g. 5) cutting rope from mud crab and release to each box and put in tank with sea water, this way will be removed mud from mud crab and make them to be stronger. Some mud crab will sell at front of middlemen house. Trader from local market will buy to sell at market.

Report Trip for Resources Management Survey at Klong Kone Sub-District, Samut Songkhram Province

Date: 13-16 August 2013

Regarding to SEAFDEC-RIHN project on "Coastal Area Capability Enhancement in Southeast Asian", social team plan to conduct social survey in 2013, which composed fisheries household survey, fish distribution of middleman and fisheries management approach in Rayong and Prachaup Kiri Khan Province. In fact, eco-tourism approach is one approach of fisheries management for coastal area in Thailand, and mangrove forest in Klong Kone Sub-District, Samut Songkhram Province is successful fisheries management by eco-tourism approach. SEAFDEC-RIHN Project plan to conduct eco-tourism in Klong Kone on 13-16 August 2013 including study the system and structure in wholesale fish market.

1. Study on structure and process to establish eco-tourism.
2. Study on role of leader, member, governor and non-member (neighbor).
3. Study on principle system and structure of wholesale fish market in Thailand.

 13 August 2013
SEAFDEC’s team, RIHN’s team and KU’s staff had a meeting at Thanicha Resort, Samut Songkhram Province, to discussion on survey plan and questionnaire design. Dr. Miyata has designed two draft questionnaires for leader of each activity and member of Klong Kone Mangrove Conservation Center (KKMCC). The result of meeting, the main questions of each questionnaire had improved and adjusted for more understanding, but the survey method was not clearing. We need to interview leader of KKMCC at tomorrow for more understand the structure and system management of eco-tourism, and who are responsibility on each activities, to be interview and planning the survey plan.

14 August 2013
In the morning, social team visited KKMCC to observe and interview leader and some heads of each activity.  In this day, KKMCC had one group visitor. After group tour went to operate activities at sea, our team started to interview Mr. Phenithi (Chet) Rattanapongthara, leader of KKMCC.

15 August 2013
In the morning, social team visited KKMCC again to interview head of each activity and some members.  There are five main groups activity  to operate eco-tourism in this center, which composed boat rental/mud-ski group, food service (restaurant) group, Mangrove reforestation group, Homestay group both in marine and inland.

16 August 2013
In the early morning, social team visited Maeklong Fisheries Cooperative, by walking around to see fish market activities, including interviewing and discussion with Ms. Boonsiri, manager of Maeklong Fisheries Cooperative, on history of establishment, and cooperative system.  After that, social team moved to Talay Thai Fish Market, Samut Sakorn Province. Mr. Sithavi Suwattanachai, manager of Talay Thai Fish Market, welcomed and gave a lot information on history and market system.

Training course on Practical Approach to Community-based Fisheries Management in Coastal Areas of Philippines

Date: 15-19 July 2013
Venue: Quezon Province, Philippines

1. To introduce the knowledge and experience on practical approach to community-based fisheries management to fisheries/field officers of Philippines,
2. To strengthen practical competence in planning and implementing the applicable coastal fishery management plans,
3. To enhance the HRD of fisheries officers to organized the community-based management with knowledge of community-based and rights-based fisheries management training course for local fishermen group.


SEAFDEC continue promote the community-based fisheries management in SEAFDEC's Member Countries. The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Philippines also requested SEAFDEC to conduct an on-site training course on Practical Approach to Community-based Fisheries Management in Coastal Areas of Philippines particularly the coastal towns of Quezon Province bordering Tayabas Bay.
The training was attended by the representative from 1) Provincial Fisheries Officer of Quezon Province, 2) BFAR RFO IV - A Planning/Production/FRMD Officers, 3) BFAR Central Office Staff Coordinator/FRMD/Legal. The training was started by introduction of the status of community-based fisheries management of Region IV-A which was introduced by RD Esmeralda Manalang. After that, SEAFDEC staff gave an presentations on: 1. The importance of resource management for sustainable fisheries, 2. Appropriate Monitoring Control and Surveillance need for resource management in conjunction with community-based fisheries management, 3. Community-based fisheries management: Importance of autonomous fisheries management by community, 4. How to introduce and facilitate community-based fisheries management to fisheries community, 5. Rights-based fisheries management and support system (Extension work) by government, 6. Importance of fisheries data collection Information for sustainable fisheries management and concept and effective methodology on data collection, 7. Improving management of financial and economic activities including promotion of alternative livelihood in fishing communities, 8. Ecosystem approach to fisheries management.

After lecturing, The workshop on how to organize community-based management was conducted by divided into 3 session; session 1: Problems on the resource management through the application of the MCS of the Fisher Folk Association, session 2: Financial problems of the Association, session 3: Problems on the operation/implementation/functioning of Association and other matters that need to be strengthen.

In course evaluation, the resources person acknowledged the participants for their knowledge/skill as well as actively participation. The participants were very appreciated and thank to SEAFDEC for organizing this training course. Moreover, the participants also suggesstion that it should be include the topic on the status of coastal resource condition in Philippines as well as the training course on fiinancial management should be organized for the officers.

Training course on Facilitating Fisheries Information Gathering Through Introduction of Community-based Fisheries Management

Date: 13-16 May and 1-5 July 2013
Venue: Thanh Hoa province and Can Tho city, respectively

1. Support provinces under WB CRSD project with methodology to promote the applicable practice of community-based co-resource management.
2. Support establishing support officer system towards institutional building of stakeholders for coastal fisheries management through capacity building for fisheries extension activities.
3. Provide the practical tool and methodology of fisheries data collection and analysis in coastal small-scale fisheries for better development and management of coastal resources to ensure sustainable livelihood for coastal communities.
4. Provide toolkits with practical community-based co-resource management and data collection in the coastal communities for further training when developing 140 pilot demonstrations.

In 2012 SEAFDEC supported Vietnam with a very successful training course on  practical approach of community-based co-resource management for 16 officers. However with the number of 140 community-based management pilot sites expected to be established, Training To Trainers (TOT) courses aimed at providing more clear and detailed concept and methodology on community-based resource management, required tools to facilitating on community-based resource management such as tools of data and information collection in coastal fishing communities for better development and management of coastal resources to ensure sustainable livelihood of coastal communities, and skills of establishment and development of community fisheries development organizations are very extremely needed for Vietnam. Therefore, Vietnam proposed SEAFDEC to support Vietnam with 2 on-site training courses in 2013 on "Facilitating Fisheries Information Gathering Through Introduction of Community-based Fisheries Management". The first one was conducted in Thanh Hoa province from 13-16 May 2013 for key provincial staff who are directly involve in co-management implementation and key leaders in selected sites in Northern Provinces including Thanh Hoa, Nghe An an Ha Tinh. The second TOT training course was conducted for key persons Southern Provinces including Soc Trang and Ca Mau with the information from 1-5 July 2013 in Can Tho city of Vietnam. 

The training was started by SEAFDEC's presentations: 1. The importance of resource management for sustainable fisheries, 2. Appropriate Monitoring Control and Surveillance need for resource management in conjunction with community-based fisheries management, 3. Community-based fisheries management: Importance of autonomous fisheries management by community, 4. How to introduce and facilitate community-based fisheries management to fisheries community,  5. Rights-based fisheries management and support system (Extension work) by government, 6. Concept and effective Methodology on Data Collection, 7. Data collection through CBFM, 8. Improving management of financial and economic activities including promotion of alternative livelihood in fishing communities, 9. Ecosystem approach to fisheries management, 10) Case study on community-based management in Nam Haum reservoir.

In addition, the training also conducted the workshop on how to organize community-based management in each province through reviewing difficulty and find the way go forward by divided into 4 session; session 1: Set up team to facilitate CBFM and Conduct pre survey of community, session 2: Education for Community Fisher, session 3: Organize core person meeting, session 4: Establish Community Fisheries Management organization.

In course evaluation, the resources person acknowledged the participants for their knowledge/skill as well as actively participation. The participants were very appreciated and thank to SEAFDEC for organizing this training course. Moreover, the participants also suggessted that it should included the topic on the status of coastal resource condition in Philippines as well as the training course on fiinancial management should be organized for the officers.