On-site Training on Practical Approach to Co-management in Inland and Coastal Fisheries of Cambodia

SEAFDEC organized the training course on Practical Approach to Co-management in Inland Fisheries of Cambodia at Siem Reap Province on 20-23 May 2013, while the training course on Practical Approach to Co-management in Coastal Fisheries of Cambodia at Sihanoukville Province on 23-27 September 2013.

The overall objective of the training course is to protect and manage critical fisheries habitats to ensure sustainable fisheries resource. Related to the above mention, the learning training has the intention for the fisheries officers to understand and get the knowledge of community-based management and rights-based fisheries management including to strengthen practical in competence in planning and implementing the applicable inland fishery management plans. As well as the training course hope the fisheries officers can be  the trainers on organizing the community-based management with knowledge of rights-based fisheries management training course for local fishermen groups.

The training was attended by the representative of fisheries officers from inland and coastal fisheries of Cambodia (such as Preah Sihanouk, Kampot, Koh Kong, Kampong Cham, Kratie, Prey Veng, Kandal, and Takao Province) including the representative officers from Community Fishery Development Department. 
The training was started by SEAFDEC's presentations: 1. The importance of resource management for sustainable fisheries, 2. Appropriate Monitoring Control and Surveillance (MCS) need for resource management in conjunction with community based co-management, 3. Community-based fisheries management: Importance of autonomous fisheries management by community, 4. How to introduce and facilitate community-based fisheries management to fisheries community,  5. Rights-based fisheries management and support system (Extension work) by government, 6. Concept and effective Methodology on Data Collection, 7. Data collection through CBFM, 8. Improving management of financial and economic activities including promotion of alternative livelihood in fishing communities, 9. Ecosystem approach to fisheries management. In addition, Cambodia side also presented on: 1. The Study of the indicator of fishery status, 2. Socio-economic information and Formulating data and information questionnaire for the community, and theory and practices on fisheries law. Furthermore, the participants discussed to develop and improve the sub decree on Community Fisheries (CFi) management and declaration on CFi guideline of Cambodia.
In addition, the fisheries officers who have attended the training of trainers on "Practical Approach to Co-management in Inland Fisheries of Cambodia" had a chance to transfer their knowledge and experiences to the community fisheries in their jurisdiction area. Regarding on this occasion, SEAFDEC with the cooperation of Cambodia organized "Mobile On-site Training Program on Applicable Fisheries Management Approaches for Sustainable Fisheries in Inland Fisheries of Cambodia" which organized on 4-7 June 2013 at Siem Reap Province, Cambodia.

The fisheries officers had a lecture to local fisheries officers of Cambodia. The topics were the same as SEAFDEC and Cambodia presentations. Moreover, the participants had a field study trip on natural resource management and conservation in Kampong Phluk, Siem Reap.
