September 2013
1. To interview fisheries household at
coastal small-scale fisheries
2. To discuss and get more information on
situation of coastal small-scale fisheries after oil spill at Ko Samet
September 2013
SEAFDEC team visited Mr. Jaii, one
committee of Klang Municipal fishers group, to get more information on oil
spill at Ko Samet. Mr. Jaii and his
friend mentioned on fisheries resources and payment reparation that the number
of member is increasing from 63 to 75 after oil spill attached at Ko Samet on
27 July 2013 because small-scale fishermen need to get reparation (30,000 Baht
per one fishing boat). Squid trap fishing gear must go to fishing farther than
previous because old fishing ground did not meet soft cuttlefish, and the total
catch is less. Now, the cost of fishing per trip is high but income is less,
which compare with last year at the same time. In case of blue swimming crab
fishing by bottom gill net, one member of group mentioned that the price of
blue swimming crab is decreasing from 250 Baht to 100 Baht because nobody
consumed crab from this area, they are worry on mercury from oil in sea food. Mr.
Tid, group leader mentioned more on impact from oil spill that sardine is
disappear from this area and he did not see fish school around Ko Kudi, where
near Ko Samet.
17 September 2013
In the morning, social team visited Sala
Keaw fishers group. Mr. Suwan, vice leader of Sala Keaw Fishers Group, gave
information that number of member is 9 members. This group established at 40
years ago, with 30 members initiates. This group registered at last 3 years
with Fisheries Provincial. After group has
been registration, Ban Phe municipal provided infrastructure of concrete floor
and roof for group to packing fishing gear and activity operation including for
landing site. The main fishing gear is crab gill net, and main species is blue
swimming crab. This group plan to establish
crab bank activity, by requesting budget from government concern, because he
and his member understand on rehabilitation fisheries resources and they
believed that crab bank activity will be increased blue swimming crab.
In the morning, social team visited Nuan
Trip Fishing port fishers group. Mr. Vichien Sirimaha, group leader, mentioned
that the number of member is 11 remain, some member moved to other occupation
and dead, no more new member in this group.
The main fishing gears are crab gill net, fish gill net and collapsible
crab trap. There are 2 middlemen and 2 cages of crab bank in front of his
In the afternoon, social team visited
Kok Leam Tien fishers group. We met Mr. U-lay Sinsamut, group leader. This
group registered with Fisheries Provincial at last year. There are 3 middlemen.
Main fishing gears are crab gill net, fish gill net, fish trap and squid
jigging. He mentioned on impact from oil spill that cost of fishing per trip is
higher than last time because the fishing ground is too far.
September 2013
In the morning, social team visited Kok Leam Tien
fishers group to interview fishermen. The name of landing site of this group
is Nai Kok. There are 3 fishers groups to packing fishing boat in monsoon
season namely, Kok Leam Tien, Konh Aoa and Baan Hin Kaow. We met new fishers
group, which Fisheries Provincial did not record this group in a list of Province.
Therefore, the number of fishers group in Rayong is 28 groups. The location of Baan
Hin Kaow fishers group is between Kok Leam Tien and Konh Aoa. Mr. Vichien Kongcharoen,
group leader, said that there are 25 members, and number of member is increasing
after oil spill. The main fishing gears are shrimp trammel net, crab gill net
and hook.
In the afternoon, social team visited Konh Aoa
fishers group. Mr. Bumrung (Tid), group leader, said that the main fishing gears
are crab gill net, fish gill net and hook. There are middlemen around 3-4
middlemen buy aquatic animal from this group. This group had been participated
in Set-Net fishing gear with SEAFDEC initiate. He mentioned more on fishing boat
registration that small-scale fishermen need good registration system and management
by government supporting to the disaster.
20 September

The total samples of fisheries household of
this trip is 43, composed of five fishers groups of 15 samples of Klang
Sub-District Administrative Organization, 6 samples of Nuan Trip fishing port,
3 samples of Sala Keaw, 10 samples of Kok Leam Tien and 10 samples of Konh Aoa.
Impact of oil
spill at Ko Samet by small-scale fishermen: Group leader and member of fishers group gave
an information on situation of small-scale fisheries in Rayong after oil spill
who get direct impact from oil spill, requested reparation from Petroleum
Authority of Thailand 2,000 Baht per day for 2 months,
Petroleum Authority of Thailand/Government present the reparation to coastal
community plan, if oil spill again in the future.
Information from Government concern on oil
spill at Ko Samet: After oil
spill on 27 July 2013 at Ko Samet, Phe Sub-District, Muang District, Rayong
Province, Rayong Provincial Governor were coordinator between stakeholder along
coastline of Rayong and Petroleum Authority of Thailand. The stakeholder are fishermen (who have
fishing boat), resort owner, tourist, restaurant and service (rental boat,
rental car, etc). There are about 10,000
persons of stakeholder, who applied attention to get reparation, and about 4,000
persons of that amount is boat’s owner.
On August, PPT gave the first payment of
reparation to 2,000 fishermen (30,000 Baht per one fishing boat), who have
fishing boat, but small-scale fisheries association of Rayong sent 4,000
fishermen to get reparation. In the list
of Fisheries Provincial have 2,000 fishing boat (commercial and small-scale
fisheries). So PPT stopped to pay reparation, and need to verify on boat’s
owner before payment.
Now there are problem between government and
small-scale fishermen. Small-scale fishermen, who get direct impact from oil
spill, need to register their boat with Fisheries Provincial to get reparation
but they must be waiting for verifying by PPT before payment reparation.
Meanwhile commercial fisheries, who not get direct impact but their boat have
registration and license with Rayong Fisheries Provincial, get reparation