Local workshop in Nam Oon Dam, Sakon Nakhon Province, Thailand

Date: 25-26 November 2014
Venue: Sakon Nakhon Province, Thailand

1. Fisheries officers understand the situation of Nam Oon Dam, on problem and needed from fisheries community.
2. Fisheries community understand the resources situation, and how to manage to be sustainable.
3. Fisheries community and fisheries officers aware the important of co-management, community-based resources management and right-based management.
4. Fisheries community of Nam Oon Dam has committee to be network on fisheries management.

The workshop were divided into two sessions, lecture and group discussion. The lecture was presented by resource persons from Department of Fisheries and SEAFDEC. The lectures were about 1) "Inland Fisheries Management and Law and measurement setting for Fisheries" to enhance knowledge of the participants and 2) "Co-management in ASEN Countries, Participatory Activities of Fisheries Management" to transfer the experiences of fisheries co-management in Southeast Asian and activities for co-management. Moreover, SEAFDEC presented the results of the base line survey at Num Oon that were collected during 2-9 July 2014. The results of survey showed 1) the demographic information and fisheries character, 2) fisheries problems and resolution, 3) fishers perception on fisheries co-management and fish distribution.

In addition, there were three topics for the group discussion session:
1. Fishing gear and fishing activities, which composed of two sub-topics: 1) Types of allow  fishing gear and 2) Prohibited fishing gear.
2. Spatial/Fishing ground composed of four sub-topics: 1) Conservation and sanctuary area under law and regulation, 2) Close season, 3) Protected area, and 4) Fishing ground allow by gear/fishing activities.
3. New close season setting through community rule, which composed of three sub-topics: 1) Close season only some area, 2) Close season in some fishing habitat, and 3) Close season during dry season.  

After finish group discussion, each group presented the result to all participants. For the first group (fishing gear and fishing activities), the participants suggested that DOF's officers should cooperate with villagers to monitor and promote juvenile conservation area. Moreover, it should stop shooting and diving fisheries. For the second group (spatial/fishing ground), it should make clear on the boundary of conservation zone as well as it should increase more conservation zone and fish house. It should establish community committee and set the community rules. Furthermore, it should collect entry fee from outsider fishers. For the third group (new close season setting through community rule), duration of close season should be changed based on research study as well as increase conservation zone and set fishing zone during close season.

After present results of group discussion, the workshop was end by inspector of Department of Fisheries, Ms. Sirirak Suvanrangsri. She express her appreciated on this workshop that it was very useful for co-management and community based management in Nam Oon Dam. Besides, she hope that this program can be a good model to other inland fisheries management in Thailand .

Mobile On-site Training (MOT) on Practical Approach to Co-management in Marine and Inland Fisheries of Cambodia

Date:17 -21 November 2014
Venue: Koh Kong Province, Cambodia

1. To introduce the knowledge and experience on practical approach to rights-based fisheries management to fisheries officer from 8 inland fisheries provinces of Cambodia,

2. To strengthen practical in competence in planning and implementing the applicable inland fishery management plans.

3. To train community fishers by local Cambodian trainers with technical assistance from SEAFDEC on organization of the community based management with knowledge of rights-based fisheries management

4. Gathering of the fishery data and information and understanding the indicators of fishery status, (fish catch, fish price, fishing effort), and socio-economic information)

5. To introduce the communities fisheries legal framework such Royal Decree, sub decree and guideline to implementation for communities fisheries

6. To take a consultation with community fishers and local fishery officers on the improvement of sub decree on community fishery management

The training was started by the fisheries officers of Cambodia who had been trained on the TOT course by SEAFDEC. After finished the lecture part, the participants were divided into 5 groups; 1) Stung Treng and Kratie Province, 2) Kampong Cham and Prey Veng Province, 3) Koh Kong Province, 4) Sihanouk Ville and Kampot Province, 5) Kep Province, for workshop session. Then each group discussed on 3 Sessions which are;
o  Session 1) How to sustain Community based Fisheries management and make a CFi plan of action in each province,
o  Session 2) Support system by local government, and
o  Session 3) Operation of Resource Management (especially Monitoring daily catch).

After finished the discussion, each group presented the result of discussion. For the result of Session 1, the participant indicated that the effective plan for sustainable fisheries management should be cooperated with local fisheries and relevant authorities. Moreover, the plan should involve the community committees and members. Furthermore, the participants proposed various activities for fisheries management plans such as re-plantation of mangrove forest, establishment of conservation areas and refugia areas, crab banks. As well as alternative livelihood activities through aquaculture, fish processing and other activities concerned are also should put in the fisheries management plan. 

For the result of Session 2, the participants recommended that the fisheries officers should support the fishers for CFi registration and crab bank as well as support them the technical support on aquaculture. Besides, the fisheries officers should disseminate the fisheries laws to local fishers. Moreover, it should try to seek the cooperation from authorities to patrol IUU fishing and find the interest donors to support CFi and improve security.
For the result of Session 3, it should have MCS in the fisheries communities in order to manage the resources. Furthermore, the registration of fishing vessels and daily catching data should be prepared and recorded. Then, the study on fish species of each area and impact assessment of native aquatic animal species should be also studied. As well as the marketing cooperation with relevant sectors should be considered.

In addition, the participants had a field study trip on mangrove conservation at Peam Krosob Community in Koh Kong Province. This community has 2 villages with 302 families and 3,129 populations (fishers 637 persons). In the past, this area was destroyed by shrimp farmers, then, the local people established the community resources conservation group to rehabilitation mangrove forest by supporting from the agencies. The group had supported by UNDP and other agencies for group operation. Now, the group has their own budget by selling the ticket for visiting the mangrove forest. Furthermore, the group also has many activities such as boat renting to mangrove forest and awareness rising to children.