TOT (Training of Trainers) on Facilitating Fisheries Information Gathering through Introduction of Co-management and Community-based Fisheries Management: Effective Implementation and Extension of the Co-management and CBFM in Lao PDR

Date: 27-30 April 2015
Venue: Khammouane Province, Lao PDR


1. Create better understanding of fishers and local government authorities on the importance of sustainable fisheries development through co-management for inland fisheries, especially on the leading role in practicing and transferring knowledge on co-management for inland fisheries;
2. To introduce the knowledge and experience on practical approach to Co-Management and Community-based Fisheries Management (CBFM) to local fishing community of Lao PDR.
3. Strengthen practical competence in cooperation and implementing the applicable inland fishery management plans by local fishing community.
4. Provide practical tools and methodology of fisheries data collection in inland small-scale fisheries for better development and management of fisheries resources to ensure sustainable livelihood for fishing communities. 
5. To transfer knowledge on Lao Fisheries law to local officers


The Department of Livestock and Fisheries of Lao PDR requested SEAFDEC for supporting to conduct an on-site training course to promote the concept of community-based fisheries management and co-management to local fishing community in Lao PDR. The participants composed of 30 DLF’s local officers of the Center part of Lao PDR and 4 officers from DLF head quarter as well as six persons from SEAFDEC and one resource person from Department of Fisheries of Thailand.

The presentations had both lecture and workshop. The lecture divided into three sessions. First session was Basic knowledge on co-management and CBFM. In this session had six modules; 1) Community- based fisheries management: importance of fisheries management by community, 2) Important role of resource management for sustainable fisheries, 3) Community-based Fisheries Management in Japan  and its implications for Southeast Asian Countries, 4) How to introduce and facilitate community -based fisheries management (CBFM) to fisheries community5) Concept and effective methodology on data collection through CBFM, and 6) Introduction of Fisheries law of Lao PDR.

Second session was experiences/case studies on practical approach to co-management and CBFM. It composed of five modules; 1) Co-Management/Community-based Fisheries Management in Nam Oon Dam, Sakon Nakhon Province, Thailand (case study), 2) Micro-credit for small-scale fisheries in Thailand (case study), 3) Case study on Community-based Fisheries Management in Nam Houm reservoir, Lao PDR, 4) Importance of socio-economic information to improve fisheries livelihood (case study), 5) Encouraging women’s participation in fisheries management  for sustainable livelihood (case study).

Third session was the workshop on effective implementation and extension of Co-management and CBFM in Provincial level. It composed of; 1) Introduction on workshop’s plan, 2) Finding out issues and challenges on fisheries management in provincial level, 3) Consideration of roles and functions of local officer/government officers in facilitating CBFM, 4) Consideration on the way forward. The participants were divided into 3 groups to discussion on these topics. Then, each group presented on the result and got suggestions and recommendations. Furthermore, the training also included the study trip at Nam Thern 2 to learn about fisheries co-management by cooperation between the Fisheries Management Unit and fisheries officers.