August 2013
Regarding to SEAFDEC-RIHN project on "Coastal
Area Capability Enhancement in Southeast Asian", social team plan to
conduct social survey in 2013, which composed fisheries household survey, fish
distribution of middleman and fisheries management approach in Rayong and
Prachaup Kiri Khan Province. In fact, eco-tourism approach is one approach of
fisheries management for coastal area in Thailand, and mangrove forest in Klong
Kone Sub-District, Samut Songkhram Province is successful fisheries management by
eco-tourism approach. SEAFDEC-RIHN Project plan to conduct eco-tourism in Klong
Kone on 13-16 August 2013 including study the system and structure in wholesale
fish market.
2. Study on role of leader, member,
governor and non-member (neighbor).
3. Study on principle system and structure
of wholesale fish market in Thailand.
August 2013
SEAFDEC’s team, RIHN’s team and KU’s
staff had a meeting at Thanicha Resort, Samut Songkhram Province, to discussion
on survey plan and questionnaire design. Dr. Miyata has designed two draft
questionnaires for leader of each activity and member of Klong Kone Mangrove Conservation
Center (KKMCC). The result of meeting, the main questions of each questionnaire
had improved and adjusted for more understanding, but the survey method was not
clearing. We need to interview leader of KKMCC at tomorrow for more understand
the structure and system management of eco-tourism, and who are responsibility on
each activities, to be interview and planning the survey plan.
August 2013
In the morning, social team visited KKMCC
to observe and interview leader and some heads of each activity. In this day, KKMCC had one group visitor. After
group tour went to operate activities at sea, our team started to interview Mr.
Phenithi (Chet) Rattanapongthara, leader of KKMCC.
15 August 2013
In the morning, social team visited KKMCC again to interview head of each activity and some members. There are five main groups activity to operate eco-tourism in this center, which composed boat rental/mud-ski group, food service (restaurant) group, Mangrove reforestation group, Homestay group both in marine and inland.

16 August 2013
In the early morning, social team visited Maeklong Fisheries Cooperative, by walking around to see fish market activities, including interviewing and discussion with Ms. Boonsiri, manager of Maeklong Fisheries Cooperative, on history of establishment, and cooperative system. After that, social team moved to Talay Thai Fish Market, Samut Sakorn Province. Mr. Sithavi Suwattanachai, manager of Talay Thai Fish Market, welcomed and gave a lot information on history and market system.
In the early morning, social team visited Maeklong Fisheries Cooperative, by walking around to see fish market activities, including interviewing and discussion with Ms. Boonsiri, manager of Maeklong Fisheries Cooperative, on history of establishment, and cooperative system. After that, social team moved to Talay Thai Fish Market, Samut Sakorn Province. Mr. Sithavi Suwattanachai, manager of Talay Thai Fish Market, welcomed and gave a lot information on history and market system.