Training course on Facilitating Fisheries Information Gathering Through Introduction of Community-based Fisheries Management

Date: 17-20 June 2013 and 27 October-1 November 2013
Venue: Luang Prabang and Champasack Province, respectively

1. To transfer the knowledge on Lao Fisheries law to local officer and local fishing community.
2. To introduce the knowledge and experience on practical approach to community-based fisheries management and co-management to local fishing community of  Lao PDR.
3. To strengthen practical in competence in cooperation and implementing the applicable inland fishery management plans by local fishing community.
4. Support establishing support officer system towards institutional building of stakeholders for inland fisheries management through capacity building for fisheries extension activities.
5. Provide the practical tool and methodology of fisheries data collection in inland small-scale fisheries for better development and management of fisheries resources to ensure sustainable livelihood for fishing communities.

The Government of Lao PDR promotes on fisheries communities to manage fisheries such as operation on illegal fishing activities by themselves, thus fisheries communities, and institutional as the leader or core person to encourages fishers and farmers through transferring knowledge and activities on sustainable fisheries development and co-management in inland fisheries. In order to promote the concept of community-based fisheries management and co-management to local fishing community, the Department of Livestock and Fisheries of Lao PDR was requested to SEAFDEC for supporting to conduct an on-site training course on facilitating fisheries information gathering through introduction of community-based fisheries management for local fisheries officers of Lao PDR. Therefore, Two training courses were conducted as Lao PDR requested. The first training was conducted in Luang Prabang from 17-20 June 2013. The second training was conducted from 27 October-1 November 2013 in Champasack Province in Lao PDR.

The presentations was the same as on-site training in SEAFDEC's Member Countries. There are both lecture and workshop. The lecture focused on 1) the importance of resource management for sustainable fisheries, 2) Appropriate Monitoring Control and Surveillance, 3) Community-based fisheries management, 4) How to introduce and facilitate community-based fisheries management to fisheries community,  5) Rights-based fisheries management, 6) Concept and effective Methodology on Data Collection, 7) Data collection through CBFM, 8) Improving management of financial and economic activities including promotion of alternative livelihood in fishing communities, 9) Case study on community-based management in Nam Haum reservoir, 10) Establishment of fisher group: under SEAFDEC’s project, 11) Ecosystem approach to fisheries management. Moreover, there are lectures from Laos' side such as introduce Lao fisheries law and Lesson learned on fisheries co-management guideline

In addition, the workshop on "how to organize community-based management in each province through reviewing difficulty and find the way go forward" was conducted by divided the participants into 3 groups. The session 1 of the workshop was to conduct pre survey of community, session 2 was education for Community Fisher, session 3 was organize core person meeting, session 4 was establish community fisheries management organization. The participants were very active to participate the workshop.

In course evaluation, the participants were very appreciated and thank to SEAFDEC and DLF of Lao PDR for organizing the training course. Futhermore, the participants suggessted that the training should be organized again and should be extend more than 5 days. As well as the discusstion session is short, it should have more time to discuss.
