Socio-Economic Survey at Phar Pone District, Ayarwaddy Region, Myanmar

Date: 25 – 29 October 2011
Phar Pone District, Ayarwaddy Region, Myanmar

Socio-economic survey with small-scale fisheries at Phar Phone district, Ayarwaddy region, Myanmar


25 October 2011


Leave from BKK to Yangon


Courtesy Mr. Kin Ko Lay, Director-General

Discussion with DOF officer on small scale fisheries in Myanmar

26 October 2011


Leave from Yangon to Phar Phone district, Ayarwaddy regio


Discussion on small scale fisheries at Fisheries office of Phar Phone district


Interview fishermen at Oauk Kwin village

27 October 2011


To interview small scale fishermen

28 October 2011


Take photo on fishing port, fishing gear and fishing boat


Leave from Ayarwaddy region to Yangon

29 October 2011


Leave from Yangon to BKK


The survey was conducted by contracting with fisheries officer in Phar Phone District to make an appointment fishermen come to head of fishermen house and Phar Phone fisheries office for interviewing. The visiting of each fishermen house would spend a lot of time because fishermen house have far, hence, SEAFDEC team must go by boat.

DOF’s officer and SEAFDEC/TD called fishermen from 3 villages to interview, which the list of each village namely Oauk Kwin, Kala Htike and Kan Chaung. The total of questionnaire was 50 copies, divided into 18 fishermen from Oauk Kwin, 15 from Kala Htike and 17 from Kan Chauang respectively.

The main fishing gears of Oauk Kwin were gill net, drift net and trammel net, the target species were White pamphlet, Hilsa, Crocker, Pike conger, Threadfin and Tongue sole. The main fishing ground was far from shore around 4 miles. The main fishing gears of Kala Htike were long line and stow net, and fishing ground is far from shore about 10 miles. The main species of fishes were Pike Croaker, Ray, Giant Cat fish, Eel and Shrimp. The main fishing gear of Kan Chaung were trammel net and drift net, the main species were Hilsa, Crocker, Cat fish, Mango fish and Sea bass.
