Venue: SEAFDEC/TD, Samut Prakarn, Thailand
The objectives of the training were:
1. To promote and strengthen participants to comprehend the concept and regional guidelines for co-management using group user rights for small-scale fisheries in Southeast Asia and apply practicing in coastal fisheries management.
2. To clarify the importance, objectives and application of the regional guidelines strengthening small-scale fisheries to promote coastal fisheries management.
3. To facilitate participants sharing and exchanging experiences and views on small-scale fisheries strengthening coastal fisheries management
The training course was attended by nine fisheries officers from SEAFDEC Member Countries, namely: Cambodia (1), Indonesia (1), Japan (1), Lao PDR (1), Malaysia (1), Myanmar (1), Philippines (1), Thailand (1) and Vietnam (1). Conducted for ten days, the training course had two main sessions.
Session one from 26 to 31 October, focused on lectures with Dr. Theo Ebbers from AIT, Dr. Magnus Torell from SEAFDEC/Secretariat, and SEAFDEC/TD staff, namely: Dr. Yuttana, Dr. Phattareeya , Mr. Aussanee, Ms. Sumitra, as resource persons. In addition, the participants were requested to present their respective country reports concerning fisheries co-management for small-scale fisheries management.
Session two was intended for site visit to Trat and Rayong Provinces on 1-2 November, after the participants were divided into three groups. At Trat Province, the participants visited Bann Pred Nai Mangrove Forest Conservation Group to discuss about mangrove forestation and conservation. At Rayong Province, the participants visited the set-net fisheries group for a series of discussions. On 3-4 November, the participants presented the field trip reports through the representative of each group. After which, the training course was evaluated by the participants. The results showed that most participants were satisfied on the training course specifically the course content, training methods, materials and facilities.