Date: 25-29 August 2009
Mr. Khin Ko Lay, Director-General of the DOF, Myanmar had a great pleasure to welcome Thai resource person, Myanmar officials, SEAFDEC staffs as participants and Fisheries Federation members as observers to the workshop. The Director-General greatly made an emphasis on the importance of standard method of data collection. The method would be useful and fruitful to set a plan for fisheries resources management in Myanmar by using fisheries indicator. To achieve this expectation, he encouraged all participants to actively share and exchange idea and experiences to make standardize fisheries data collection method based upon their expertise. Then, he kindly declared opening the workshop and invited all participants to take group photography.
Participants of the workshop divided into two groups based on their experience and expertise. One was small-scale fisheries group, another was large-scale fisheries group. Each group was assigned to brainstorm designing log sheet by type of fishing gear selection for collecting fisheries resource data. Small-scale fisheries group selected five types of fishing gear as samples for data collection namely stow net, gill net, trap, beach seine and purse seine (anchovy purse seine. These five types of fishing gear would be occupied in inland and coastal fisheries. Large scale fisheries group selected only two types of fishing gear were trawl fisheries and purse seine fisheries. Then, each group started to design log sheet covered resource and socio-economic indicators as tool to collect data of each type of fishing gear. In addition, each group was requested to present the draft of designed log sheets to the workshop in order to share and get comment and recommendation on the log sheets.
Mr. Khin Maung Soe was on behalf of the Director General, the Department of Fisheries, Myanmar, that the workshop was great opportunity to learn and share experience to standardize data collection method and fisheries indicator for Myanmar. Before closing, Dr. Yuttana T. was highly appreciate to all participants actively participated in the workshop. Dr.Mala S. expressed her encouragement to the workshop to work on the data collection and fisheries indicator. Mr. Khin Maung Soe presented his gratitude to all participants and declared the workshop closed.
Venue: Fisheries Federation Building, Yangon in Myanmar
SEAFDEC-TD collaborated with the Department of Fisheries (DOF), Myanmar to organize the workshop sponsored by Japanese Trust Fund. The major objective of the workshop is to set up a standard method of data collection and fisheries indicator for fisheries management in Myanmar.

After opening ceremony, Mr. Khin Maung Soe was as moderator to the workshop. He led the workshop started by adoption of the workshop agenda presented by Dr. Phattareeya Suanrattanachai. Then, Dr. Yuttana Theparoonrat presented background, objectives and expectation of the workshop to audiences. Next was Dr. Mala Supongpan was as resource person of the workshop given a presentation on an importance of fisheries indicators for fisheries management. During the present, common problems of fisheries management in temperate and tropical zone was explained a difference and difficulty to conduct data collection. An application of maximum sustainable yield (MSY) was introduced to manage fisheries resources. In addition, definition, type of fisheries indicators was described to the workshop as basic information. Myanmar officials were very interested in the presentation that some raised question and asked more clarification on MSY and fishing indicators.
To tangibly understand the concept, definition and type of indicators, Dr. Phattareeya S. was responsible for giving the presentation based on experience from Thailand. During this session, Dr. Mala S. kindly co-presented to transfer more details and experience on how to conduct data collection and received local fishers participated in data collection. According to this session, all participants had a basic knowledge on fishing indicators for fisheries management.

The workshop had set up process of progressive practice of log sheets in field trip to recognize problems; constraints and seeking a proper and more applicable ways to develop the log sheets (see Annex1). The result of the practice will be an input of the conclusive workshop in the second week of December, 2009. In this connection, the workshop also agreed to organize working group for undertaking the task with the official and stakeholders of department of fisheries, fishing companies, Myanmar Fisheries Federation, and local management authorities. SEAFDEC staff gave suggestion on the log sheet should be translated in Myanmar language for easy use and understand in localities.
Mr. Khin Maung Soe was on behalf of the Director General, the Department of Fisheries, Myanmar, that the workshop was great opportunity to learn and share experience to standardize data collection method and fisheries indicator for Myanmar. Before closing, Dr. Yuttana T. was highly appreciate to all participants actively participated in the workshop. Dr.Mala S. expressed her encouragement to the workshop to work on the data collection and fisheries indicator. Mr. Khin Maung Soe presented his gratitude to all participants and declared the workshop closed.