Venue: Vientiane Province, Lao PDR
1. To organize the Local Workshop to improve compilation of information and statistics on inland fisheries in Lao PDR;
2. To pre-test the questionnaire with target group at Inland fisheries in Lao PDR.Results
SEAFDEC team inform the meeting the purpose on this visiting that was improving landing data collection by plus consumption in household to get more real product of fisheries resources in inland fisheries. Other purpose was to promote census establishment in SEAFDEC’s member country by asking Lao PDR to propose what is their requirements to improving socioeconomic data collection, for example, on-site training for staffs. Activities will conduct base on member country request by SEAFDEC supporting.
Meeting at Nam Ngum reservoir Fisheries Management Center
Meeting at Nam Ngum reservoir Fisheries Management Center
For inland fisheries fishing ground, there are 2 big reservoirs in Lao PDR, which was Nam Ngum and Nam Thern, including 17 small reservoirs. The trial site for inland fisheries data collection was Nam Ngum reservoir, Vientiane Province. Officer informed that they started to collect the data on number of fishermen in Nam Ngum from 1999 to 2012. The data show that there are 24 fishermen villages in Nam Ngum reservoir. And in year 2010, there are 201 fishermen who have licensed. Moreover, there are three places for selling inland product. Usually data collection on inland aquatic resources was collected from seller.

Pretest questionnaires
Pre-test of data collection by using questionnaire was done in Ban Sang Sawang village in Kaew Udom District, Vientiane Province. Ban Sang Sawang village compose of 20 unit, in which 4 unit are fishermen villages. DLF’s staffs and SEAFDEC’s team had conducted 5 pre-test questionnaires in the village.
Pre-test of data collection by using questionnaire was done in Ban Sang Sawang village in Kaew Udom District, Vientiane Province. Ban Sang Sawang village compose of 20 unit, in which 4 unit are fishermen villages. DLF’s staffs and SEAFDEC’s team had conducted 5 pre-test questionnaires in the village.

The workshop was held after pre-test on inland data collection. The purpose of the workshop was show the result of catch product within one year and to improve the questionnaire on inland data collection in Lao PDR. On the total catch product in one year, SEAFDEC offered the equator for calculate from the average caught of each fisherman. The total catch product per one year can come from average catch from survey plus with total fishermen in unit.
In this occasion, trust fund assistant manager asked DLF’s staffs to propose their need for improving their skill on data collection on socio-economic or co-management practice. DLF’s staffs informed that they would like to put the socio-economic and aquaculture product in their data collection plan because Lao PDR are dominant in aquaculture product also.