The Consultation with Myanmar Department of Fishery at the end of 2008

The Consultation with Myanmar Department of Fishery and Site Survey in Duya In Lake, Hinthada, Ayeyarwady, Myanmar on 15-18 December 2008

The objectives were to consult with the government of Myanmar particularly Department of Fisheries on the collaborative program of the Promotion of Inland Small-scale Fisheries Management through Right-based Fisheries Management and Co-management Toward Institution Building and Participatory Approach and also to conduct site survey and data collection of the fishermen livelihood including the status of the aquatic resources in Duya Inn Lake, Hinthada, Ayeyarwady.
Site information: Hinthada is a city in southwestern Myanmar. Hinthada Township is a township of Hinthada District in the Ayeyarwady Division of Myanmar. In 1983 the greater city area had a population of 311,336. The city has a port which is important in the trade of locally grown rice and grain.

Duya In is in Hinthada, Ayarwaddy Division, adjacent to the Ayarwaddy River and connected with streams and creeks. Ayarwaddy Dam also serves as a pathway for fish to migrate through the fishery site and the river. The water surface area is about 808 acres. At the center of the site, there is an emerging piece of land of about 259 acres which creates a streamline and upwelling, supporting primary production in the fishery.

With regard to the interviewing with some fishers and official in the Duya In leasable Fisheries, the major groups of fisher are including 40 full-time fishers and around 290 local partner fishers. Fishing is conducted with purse seine, drift nets, dredge nets, cast nets and hook and lines. The fishery area is managed with 40 permanent employees. The lessee buys back their catch about 40 Kyats per viss (US$ 0.25 per 10 kilograms).

Local fisher partners earn 800 to 1,000 Kyats (US$ 0.80-1.00) and even up to 2,500 Kyats (US$ 2.00) per day. In case of the local fisher partner, they usually are fishing around 25 to 30 days a month and operation time mostly from 06.00 pm. until 06.00 am. from August to April. Interviewed fishers, all of them do not have any saving money which only do fishery to earn their life. The township fisheries officer said that before 1991 there were about 23 local species including three major carps, three snakeheads, catfish, carps, and others such as climbing perch, spiny eel, glass fish, feather back, barb, loaches, garfish and eel. However, after 2000, most of the catches are carp species.

The fisheries lessee is responsible for replenishing carp seed into the fisheries water, worth 1-5% of the lease value every year. The records of annual fish seed replenished varied from 1.87 million in 2001-2002, to 2.49 million in 2002-2003, and 1.06 million in 2003-2004. To compensate for the decline in the catch, the practice of replenishing carp seed into the fishery water seems to increase production.

However, this cannot substitute for the loss of indigenous species. Duya In leasable fishery provides fish protein and supports the livelihoods of fishers and farmers. However, it is being challenged by water quality, increased integration of resources users and a decline of the fisheries resource itself. There is an urgent need to understand the relationship of the local environment and its fisheries resources and to assess the benefit of annual carp seeding in the fishery.

Proposed projects under this consultation, conservation zone and fish processing will be considered and implemented in the future which collaboration among SEAFDEC and Myanmar Department of Fishery.

HRD on Local/Indigenous Institutions and Co-management

HRD activities on local/indigenous institutions and co-management are developed in response to the general recognition that in achieving the long-term objective of poverty alleviation, efforts should not only be given to development of well-being of the individuals, but also to improving the development of the local communities as a whole. Especially for the coastal fisher communities where the livelihood of the people depends on fisheries resources, assisting individual household might not bring about better fishery resources conditions and resources management system. But strengthening of local/indigenous institutions and to promote co-management in fisheries resources between government agencies and these institutions is equally crucial.

With the understanding that site specific HRD activities can not be effectively addressed to the individual fishers, HRD activities through appropriate local institution and strengthening of the local institutions and promotion of co-management will be the general framework of the activities to be conducted through on-site HRD activities. Reviewing the local indigenous institutions of the identified project sites, the possible manners to strengthening of these institutions under the co-management approach will be discussed and prepare the practical proposal to strengthen these institutions under this program.

HRD Activities on thematic areas
to transfer technical knowledge fisheries officials in order to recognize the importance of local/indigenous institution for poverty alleviation and food security to promote local/indigenous institution playing key role to practice and functioning in rights-based fisheries and co-management to achieve poverty alleviation and food security to prepare a best-fitted and practical proposal for on-site HRD activities

Proposed target:
Participants are government official who are responsible for the extension work and engaged with the local community in 8 selected sites.

Outcome of the activity:
1. Identified issues and frame work which will be used as a proposal or plan for on-site activities in the selected sites.
2. Finalized tentative schedule of each on-site HRD activity including continuous activities in each site.

Training course 3 days
1. Introduction of local/indigenous institution for sustainable livelihood and coastal resource management
2. execute fundamental and applicable function and responsibility of local/indigenous institution for sustainable livelihood and coastal resource management.
3. strengthen local/indigenous institution towards legal framework, local business and financial management and scientific data
4. promote rights-based fisheries management towards local/indigenous institution and practice based on Asian experiences
5. apply the concept of co-management and applicable practice enabling local/indigenous institution in coastal resource management.
6. strengthen awareness building on organizing and developing local/indigenous institution for sustainable livelihood and coastal resource management.

Workshop 3 days
1. review local/indigenous institution through experiences of active and well-being case study and project site
2. discuss and define principle, criteria and proper manners for strengthening local/indigenous institution
3. discuss and define prerequisite factors to strengthen local/indigenous institution in particular type of fisheries such as for coastal fisheries, inland fisheries.
4. discuss and prepare the best-fitted and practical proposal for on-site HRD activities

On-site visit 4 days
1. concrete experience and further understanding on practical and well-being type and pattern of local/indigenous institution.
2. experience in exchanging information concerning principle, need, and initiative institution with local stakeholder or core group of people.

Workshop on “Revitalization of Protected Area Conservation” at Laos Electricity Company, Nam Ngum Reservoir, Vientaine

The Stakeholder Consultative Workshop on “Revitalization of Protected Area Conservation”
Venue: Laos Electricity Company, Nam Ngum Reservoir, Vientaine Province, Lao PDR

Date: 25-26 November 2008
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center-Training Department (SEAFDEC-TD) received a kind agreement from the Department of Livestock and Fisheries (DLF), Lao PDR to implement “the Promotion of inland small-scale fisheries management through rights-based and co-management towards institutional building and participatory approaches” with cost-sharing scheme. Regarding the cost-sharing scheme, SEAFDEC-TD has also received supporting fund from Japanese Contribution to share with the DLF for the project implementation.
Then the stakeholder consultative workshop has main activity to facilitate stakeholders to share, exchange and discuss to form co-management institution between stakeholders and local government agencies.

The Workshop carried out through three main sessions. First, knowledge transfer on concept of co-management including rights-based fisheries which was presented at the workshop. This presentation has an objective to encourage understanding on how and why co-management and rights-based fisheries concept is prominent to better inland small-scale fisheries development and management. Related lessons learned and experiences also illustrated along line with the concept presentation in order to facilitate a tangible scenario to stakeholders.

Discussion and decision session was second exercise to let stakeholder express, consider and discuss on problems commonly affected to their livelihood and employment. Then, participants had brainstorming to define solution and place the right solution into the problems. The results of the group discussion was a decline of aquatic resource in the reservoir, illegal fishing gear and operation, deterioration of environment, an increase of number of fishers. The solutions purposed for these problems were stop illegal fishing gear and operation, promote coordination between government officers and community to control and manage a use of aquatic resources, demarcated conservation area and management, etc. In this connection, they defined that government side should take leading role to action in solving each problem and collaborated with local community to promote a sustainable use of aquatic resources.
The last session, seeking and forming co-management institutional design and establishment is the most important session. This is to settle a local management entity or body to implement and promote inland small-scale fisheries development and management achieving better situation.
For further information please contact at or


วันที่: 18-20 พฤศจิกายน 2551
สถานที่: สำนักงานฝ่ายฝึกอบรม ศูนย์พัฒนาการประมงแห่งเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้

การประชุมเชิงปฏิบัติการเพื่อจัดทำคู่มือการเก็บข้อมูลของตัวชี้วัดทางการประมงในประเทศไทย มีผู้เข้าร่วมประชุมทั้งสิ้นจำนวน 22 ท่าน โดยเป็นนักวิชาการและผู้เชี่ยวชาญจากกรมประมง และเจ้าหน้าที่กองการจัดการประมงชายฝั่งของศูนย์พัฒนาการประมงแห่งเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ วัตถุประสงค์ในการประชุมครั้งนี้ คือ
1) เพื่อสรุปรูปแบบคู่มือและมาตรฐานการเก็บข้อมูลจัดทำคู่มือการเก็บข้อมูลตัวชี้วัดทรัพยากรประมง
2) เพื่อแลกเปลี่ยนประสบการณ์ ปัญหาที่พบจากการนำสมุดบันทึกข้อมูล (log sheet) ไปทดลองใช้
3) เพื่ออภิปรายหารูปแบบ และ ปรับปรุงเนื้อหาของสมุดบันทึกข้อมูลการเก็บตัวอย่าง (log sheet) เพื่อใช้ประโยชน์ในการเก็บข้อมูลจากกลุ่มเรือประมงพาณิชย์ เรือประมงพื้นบ้าน และให้กลุ่มผู้ใช้ทรัพยากรได้มีส่วนร่วมในการกรอกข้อมูลพื้นฐานที่จำเป็น และ
4) เพื่อให้ที่ประชุมยอมรับในรายละเอียดของข้อมูลเพื่อที่จะใช้เป็นแนวทางในการเก็บข้อมูลและจัดทำคู่มือการเก็บข้อมูลของตัวชี้วัดเพื่อที่จะใช้เป็นมาตรฐานการเก็บข้อมูลให้เป็นไปในแนวทางเดียวกันทั่วประเทศ

ที่ประชุมได้แลกเปลี่ยนความคิดเห็นพูดคุยถึงปัญหาและประสบการณ์จากการทดลองใช้แบบสัมภาษณ์และ แบบสอบถาม (log sheet) ที่เป็นผลจากการประชุมเชิงปฏิบัติการเพื่อการจัดเก็บข้อมูลและจัดทำเป็นคู่มือการเก็บข้อมูลของตัวชี้วัดจากเรือประมงพาณิชย์ในประเทศไทย ระหว่างวันที่ 5-7 สิงหาคม 2551 และ การประชุมเชิงปฏิบัติการเพื่อการจัดเก็บข้อมูลและจัดทำเป็นคู่มือการเก็บข้อมูลของตัวชี้วัดจากเรือประมงพื้นบ้านในประเทศไทย ระหว่างวันที่ 13-15 สิงหาคม 2551 รวมถึงเนื้อหาของแบบสัมภาษณ์ที่ใช้ในการเก็บข้อมูล หลังจากได้มีการอภิปรายพูดคุยโดยรวมแล้วผู้เข้าร่วมประชุมแบ่งเป็น 2 กลุ่ม โดยทำการอภิปรายเพื่อปรับปรุงแก้ไขและสรุปเนื้อหาแบบฟอร์มหรือสมุดบันทึกข้อมูล (log sheet) ในส่วนของกลุ่มเรือประมงพาณิชย์ (อวนลากและอวนล้อมจับ) และกลุมประมงพื้นบ้าน (อวนลอย ลอบ และอวนและแหครอบ) ให้มีความเหมาะสมสำหรับนักวิชาการที่สามารถนำไปใช้ได้จริงโดยพิจารณาจากผลการนำไปทดลองใช้
หลังจากได้ทำการปรับปรุงแก้ไขในเนื้อหาของแบบฟอร์มหรือสมุดบันทึกข้อมูล (log sheet) เรียบร้อยแล้ว ต่อจากนั้นได้เปิดการอภิปรายรวมอีกครั้งโดยร่วมกันอภิปรายในเนื้อหาเพิ่มเติมที่จะนำมาประกอบเป็น คู่มือการเก็บข้อมูลของตัวชี้วัดทางการประมงในประเทศไทย ต่อไป

Training on Enhancement and Rehabilitation of Blue Swimming Crab for Local People at Ban Thong Kroke

Date: 11 November 2008
Venue: Ban Thong Krok, Bangnamjued, Langsuan, Chumphon (Thailand)

29 local people are engaging in fisheries and agriculture joined the training. The objectives of the training were providing technical knowledge on crab resources enhancement and management to local people and support local people to effectively contribute crab bank management in the community to secure job opportunity in the future. During the training Mr. Tanadol is the chief of fisheries extension section, the Chumphon Provincial Fisheries Office gave welcome address to local people and fisheries officials. He emphasized on the purpose of the training. After finished opening activity, Dr. Mali was also invited to describe the concept of eco-labeling to the training. She emphasized that the practice of this concept which was needed local people participated with local officer to make use of marketing driven sustainable fisheries resource strategy.
After that Ms. Siriwan Nouseng who is a technical officer from the Suratthani Coastal Aquaculture Center introduced and gave information of the blue swimming crab life cycle including hatchery and nursing. At the end of her presentation, local people raised some questions and discussed in order to fulfill knowledge of participants for applying and practices.

Before the training is finished, Mr. Ampol Krutthani, the head of Ban Kopitak village delivered his experience on crab bank establishment and management to the training. He placed an emphasis on local people’s participation in the crab bank activity and included other fisheries resource management activities. He recommended that set net fisheries management and rope fish aggregating device might be effective tool to promote coastal fisheries management. He needed a chance to visit each management activity and sought support from the fisheries officials.

Mr. Prasert has worked for the Bureau of Fisheries Administration and Management. He clarified the project concept and plan named principal fisheries community (chumchon-tonbab, in Thai). The project has main purpose to encourage local users to participate in coastal fisheries resource management in order to reduce enforcement cost. In addition, the project was also planned to set up network of fisheries community to strengthen activities of coastal fisheries resource management along the coast of Chumphon Province.

Finally, SEAFDEC representative, Dr.Phattareeya Suanrattanachai made a conclusion of the training that local people received information and knowledge of crab resource life cycle, importance of local people’ s participation based on head of village experience, the projects and plan of the Bureua of Fisheries Administration and Management. Regarding the recommended issues such as set net fisheries management and rope fish aggregating device information, SEAFDEC informed that these information transfers might be done, however, the staff needed to consult and check availability of the project budget. Then, the staff would contact the villages later on the feasibility to hold a meeting or training at the villages.

List of parties concerned
Chumphon Provincial Fisheries Office
1. Mr. Supochana Jungyampin Chief of the Office
2. Mr. Tanadol JanKhuen Fisheries Extension Officer

Chumphon Marine Fisheries Research and Development Center
1. Mr. Rochanarute Rungrueng Fisheries Biologist
2. Mr. Nantapol Suksamran Fisheries Biologist
3. Mr. Anuchit Hannurak Fisheries Biologist
4. Ms. Bangon Kampaer Fisheries Biologist
5. Ms. Wanpen Chooyai Fisheries Biologist

Suratthani Coastal Fisheries Research and Development Center
1. Ms. Jantana Mahasawas Fisheries Biologist
2. Ms. Siriwan Nuoseng Fisheries Biologist

Chumphon Fisheries Administrative and Management Center
1. Mr. Prasert Chief, Fisheries Officer
2. Mr. Nisit Vechayan Fisheries Officer
3. Mr. Somporn Yiisaman Fisheries Officer
4. Mr. Direk Saelim Fisheries Officer
5. Mr. Chusak Saelim Fisheries Officer

Regional Training Course on Co-management Using Group User Rights for Enhancing Small-scale Fisheries Development and Management

Date: 27 October - 7 November 2008
Venue: SEAFDEC/Training Department, Samut Prakan, Thailand
SEAFDEC is taking leading role to promote rights-based fisheries and co-management to sustain coastal fisheries resources as well as to secure means of livelihood for small-scale fishers particularly in the Southeast Asian Region. In this connection, SEAFDEC formulated the Regional Training course on Co-management group user right for enhancing small-scale fisheries development and management as means of the promotion. The training has been funded by the Japanese Trust Fund for contributing fisheries officials from ASEAN-SEAFDEC member countries participated in the training.

11 participants are attending the training come from seven ASEAN-SEAFDEC countries –one each come from, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand,Vietnam, four from Indonesia and one from Japan. The regional training course was organized for 12 days which composed of two main parts. Part one was lectures that these were fully supported by SEAFDEC resource persons namely Dr. Yasuhisa Kato, Dr. Yuttana Theparoonrat, Mr. Aussanee Munprasit, Mr. Seiichi Etoh and his collogues working for socio-economic section, coastal and small-scale fisheries Division, and also included Dr.Phattareeya Suanrattanachai, Fishery Governance and Management System Section Head to transfer the expertise and shared valuable experience with all participants.

Second part was on-site practices in Rayong and Trat Provinces during 2 to 5 November. The participants were divided into two groups. Each group brainstormed to set up a research plan to work on site visited. Regarding practicing in Rayong, all participants observed set net fisheries group conducted selling fish products on beach. Besides, they had a plenary session to discuss on the set net fisheries group’s activity and management at EMDEC office. At the office, the participants also conducted an interview with members of the group.

In Trat Province, the participants visited Ban Pred Nai Mangrove Forest Conservative Group. At Ban Pred Nai village, all panticipants were on broad to observe mangrove forests areas. The participant could concretely experience the diversity of the forests given positive impact to enhance aquatic resources. After finished the cruise, all participants and Ban Pred Nai Mangrove forest conservative group’s member and committee had a discussion session to share and exchange information and experiences on mangrove reforestation and conservation. An additional activity was conducted an interview with member of the group.

After ended on-site practices, all participants analyzed and interpret data collected. They also excellently provided a report of the research result and gave a presentation in the classroom. The presentation helped mobilizing to share knowledge and experience gained from on-site visit among the participants. The participants have been cooperative and actively participated in training activities. At the end of the course, the participants expressed their satisfaction to the training arrangement and illustrated that their expectation were fulfilled.

Contribute member countries to develop Indicators National Guidelines

This activity was planned into four sub-activities by SEAFDEC/TD staff coordinated with the Department of Fisheries, Thailand. The first sub-activity was the National Workshop on Guideline and Standard method of data collection and indicator of Large-scale fisheries indicator in Thailand. The second sub-activity was the National Workshop on Guideline and Standard method of data collection and indicator of Small-scale fisheries indicator in Thailand. The third was the Consulting Workshop with fishing community on participating in data collection Thailand. The last sub-activity was the Conclusive National workshop on Guideline and Standard method of data collection and indicator of Large-scale and small-scale fisheries in Thailand.

The first and second national workshops were held on 5-7 August and 13-15 August 2008, respectively. Thai fisheries officials have specialization on trawl, purse seine and small-scale fishing gears were invited. They spent three days to discuss and finalize a preliminary draft of standard method (log book) and guideline for fish data collection of Thailand for large-scale and small-scale fisheries. The drafted log book of data collection would be tested by fisheries officials. In addition, the workshops designed questionnaire for local users to fill out. The questionnaire for local users was as tool to get local users’ participation in recognizing their socio-economic status of their household and business in fisheries. The questionnaire for local users would be tested and practiced with local users’ participation under the stakeholder consultative workshop in a selected fishing community with the workshops’ recommendation. The result of test process of large and small scale fisheries at both of official and user levels would be as input for discussing at the fourth national workshop.

Workshop on the Implication of Using Indicators for Coastal Fisheries Management

The Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) organized the Workshop on the implication of using indicators for coastal fisheries management from 22 to 24 July 2008 at SEAFDEC Training Department in Samut Prakan, Thailand. The Workshop organized as part of the activity under the program on the Promotion of Rights-based Fisheries through Co-management Approach for Small-scale Fisheries in the Southeast Asian Region with financial support from the Japanese Trust Fund which responsible by the Coastal and Small-scale Fisheries Management Division (CSFD).

The Workshop was attended by representatives from the ASEAN and SEAFDEC Member Countries, namely: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines and Thailand. The workshop was also attended by resource persons from the Department of Fisheries, Thailand. This Workshop was primarily aimed at sharing experiences on using indicator for inland and coastal fisheries management in Southeast Asian Region. In addition, the Workshop was also organized to discuss and seek recommendations as well as suggestions to use indicator in promoting co-management and people’s participation in inland and coastal fisheries management. The outcome of the workshop can contact or

Field survey in Chumporn, Ranong and Trat

Report of the Field Survey and Data Collection for Site Selection of the SEAFDEC/TD-DOF Collaborative Project Year 2008 in Chumporn (26-30 May 2008), Krabi, Ranong (9-12 June 2008) and Trat Province (16-20 June 2008)

This was the first phase under the collaborative project between SEAFDEC/TD and DOF Thailand namely, Co-management in coastal fisheries management with application of the sufficiency economy philosophy to environmentally sustainable economic development.

First phase: the phase of preparation which SEAFDEC/TD responsible for conducting field survey on capacity of community and availability included a degree of community readiness assessment. The result of the survey and assessment will be analytically basic data and information to contribute both SEAFDEC/TD-DOF high-ranking officials making a decision on site selection for the project. The survey was conducted in three main areas are as following;


The Chief of the Chumphon Provincial Office of Fisheries and head of fisheries extension service kindly gave an information concerned fisheries development plan implementing for fisheries community. The provincial plan is focused on the Thungka-Sawee Bay area to promote sustainable coastal fisheries management and development friendly environment. This plan was submitted to the Chumphon Provincial Administrative Organization to support budget for the plan implementation. Now, the office is keeping waited for the budget approval and allocation.

Site survey and data collection
The survey and data collection was conducted at two villages of Bang Namjued Sub-district, Langsuan District. Ban Ko Phitak village and Ban Thongkroke village was studied sites. Ban Ko Phitak village has forty-two households in total and major occupation is capture fisheries. Ban Thong kroke village has hundred households and main occupation is agriculture combining with fisheries. This type of occupation is employed by villagers amounted to 70% of total households. At Ban Ko Phitak, sixteen households were as respondents of the interview. At Ban Thongkroke village, eighteen respondents were collected their data.

Issues of the two villages
The head of Ban Ko Phitak village described active activities of village development and plan to SEAFDEC staff. These activities are crab bank management, giant clam release, tree plantation from the mountain to the sea, water environmental control, and village central fish market. These activities have received contribution from government agencies likes Chumphon Marine Fisheries Research and Development Center to promote coastal fisheries management. The center supported the village to handle giant clam releasing into to the sea area of the village. This activity is encouraging the village’s vocation likes home stay and sea leisure. This vocation generates an income to fisheries households. A part of the income has been distributed to all villagers as incentive of cleaning village clean.

The head of Ban Thongkroke village said that his village never received any coastal resource management activities implemented by the Department of Fisheries. This is probably number of fisheries household is very low, but number of agriculture combining with fisheries household and agricultural households are larger number than fisheries households. Recently, fisheries household and agriculture and fisheries households are facing problem of fisheries resource deterioration, high price of fuel oil, low fish price and low catch. The village head has willingness to implement crab bank management activities to enhance crab resource in the sea.

Potential and role of women
Women of fisheries households at Ban Ko Phitak Village usually accompany her husband going for fishing. Elder women are hired to clean up fishing gear likes squid trap to get an income. Some of women handle work at home such as producing souvenir goods, cooking and managing home stay. The village head encourages women in the village to work in group to process fish cans with using their traditional cooking skill.


We visited Sriborya sub district which is island where was effected from the tsunami. This island is the southern part of Nua Klong District. Baan Klong Toh Village, the major occupation of this village is agriculture (rubber tree) and fishery. Since this village was affected by tsunami fishermen have been received the support from government such as fiber glass fishing boat and some financial support to fisher group for fishing gears. However, some fishermen also do aquaculture of grouper and seabass. Klong Toh has a fish sauce processing for woman group which has around 30 members. Since the head of woman group past away then the activities did not continue but they are still thinking continuation of the activities for woman group in the future.


The Ranong Provincial Officer gave us some general information of the fishery sector in Ranong province. The main problem of Ranong fishermen is trespass fishing in Myanmar border.

The Khon Ti Island or called Baan Khon Ti was introduced by the head of Muang fisheries district office. This village has fifty percent of people is fishermen which mainly are fish and shrimp gill net, crab trap and fish trap, and another half of people is employee in fishing activities and other occupations. About the woman group is not really active because of limited fisheries resources. It will be better if their housewife have an opportunity to train or have supplementary work during the day. Coastal small-scale fishing group just was established, so it still has not any fund.

Ratchagood Village was kindly introduced by the Ranong district officer. People are do agriculture and small-scale fisheries. This village has quite strong fisher group. The fisher group is quite strong which have around 20 members. The group has done many activities such as crab bank for fishery resource rehabilitation, brood cockle culture, green muscle culture and fish culture. The group was established for 3 years regarding to the leader of fisher group mentioned.


The survey and data collection was conducted at two villages of Haad San Chao Village and Mai Rood Village. Haad San Chao Village, people are mainly having a small-scale fisheries which several of small-scale fishing gears such as fish gill net, shrimp gill net, crab trap. Regarding to the survey this village most of fishermen are full-time fishermen because of the geographical of that area not suitable for any agriculture. For the role of women in this village, was introduced by fishermen that most of them be a housewife and regularly help and support her husband in fishing activities when the season comes. About the post harvest of the fishery product is very rare, it has just proceeded shrimp paste in some season which is not much as in the past. However, the village also receives some financial support from the provincial government for the fishermen who need investment particularly on the fishing gears.

Mai rood village was introduced by the Permanent Secretary of Or.Bor.Tor. Mairood after that the survey and data collection was implemented. Fishermen in this village have both capture and fish cage culture. The main type of fishing gears is shrimp gill net and trawl net. Aquaculture in this village is seabass culture. The feed for aquaculture is trash fish from fishing operation. Woman group is also not really active. Most of them prefer to work as a personal.

Finally, we visited mangrove forest at Baan Pred Nai. The Pred Nai Community Forestry Group is a community-based natural resource management program initiated by villagers in the mangrove forests. The Pred Nai Community Forestry Group has been working towards the sustainable use and restoration of the local mangrove forest. The major activity is that they have practiced the development of a forest management plan and restoration of formerly logged and degraded areas. Their conservative efforts have also had a direct impact on alleviating poverty and facilitating local economic development by producing forest products from the mangroves, and the establishment of a village savings fund to assist with social welfare and economic development initiatives. The restoration and conservation of mangrove forests also return positive impact to improve the long-term sustainability of the villagers’ household economic activities.

Phattareeya Suanrattanachai and Narumol Thapthim
Fishery Governance and Management System Section,
Coastal and Small-scale Fisheries Division, SEAFDEC/TD

Bi-annual Project Progress Report of Integrated Coastal Resources Management in Sihanoukville (ICRM-SV)

July to December, 2007

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
The Fisheries Administration, Cambodia

Fish landing data in Prey Nop II under the project Integrated Coastal Resources Management in Sihanoukville (ICRM-SV)

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
The Fisheries Administration, Cambodia

Bi-annual Project Progress Report of Integrated Coastal Resources Management in Sihanoukville (ICRM-SV)

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
The Fisheries Administration, Cambodia

Women's group activity in Production of Mushroom Community Fisheries Prey Nop II Sihanoukville,Cambodia

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
The Fisheries Administration, Cambodia

Bi-annual Project Progress Report of Integrated Coastal Resources Management in Sihanoukville (ICRM-SV)

July to December,2006

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
The Fisheries Administration, Cambodia

Bi-annual Project Progress Report of Integrated Coastal Resources Management in Sihanoukville (ICRM-SV)

January to June, 2006

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
The Fisheries Administration, Cambodia

Annual Project Progress Report of Integrated Coastal Resources Management in Sihanoukville (ICRM-SV)

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
The Fisheries Administration, Cambodia

Preliminaly socio-economic survry in Comune Teuk Thla, Sihanoukville, Cambodia

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
The Fisheries Administration, Cambodia

Project document Integrated Coastal Resources Management in Sihanoukville (ICRM-SV)

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
The Fisheries Administration, Cambodia

Bianual Project Progress Report of ICRM-PL

July to December, 2007

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
Department of fisheries , Malaysia

Marine Resources Monitoring in Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia (2004-2006)

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
Department of fisheries , Malaysia

Bianual Project Progress Report of ICRM-PL

January to June, 2007

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
Department of fisheries , Malaysia

Bianual Project Progress Report of ICRM-PL

July to December, 2006

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
Department of fisheries , Malaysia

Bianual Project Progress Report of ICRM-PL

January to June, 2006

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
Department of fisheries , Malaysia

Bianual Project Progress Report of ICRM-PL

July to December, 2005

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
Department of fisheries , Malaysia

Bianual Project Progress Report of ICRM-PL

January to June, 2005

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
Department of fisheries , Malaysia

Bianual Project Progress Report of LBCRM-PL

January to June, 2004

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
Department of fisheries , Malaysia

Bianual Project Progress Report of LBCRM-PL

August to December, 2003

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
Department of fisheries , Malaysia

Proceeding of the regional seminar on integrated coastal resources management in southeast asia develpoment center

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
Department of fisheries , Thailand

Bi-annual Project Progress Report of LBCFM-PD

July to December, 2006

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
Department of fisheries , Thailand

The new experience of Sub-district administrative organization

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
Department of fisheries , Thailand

Bi-annual Project Progress Report of LBCFM-PD

January to June,2006

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
Department of fisheries , Thailand

Bi-annual Project Progress Report of LBCFM-PD

July to December, 2005

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
Department of fisheries , Thailand

Bi-annual Project Progress Report of LBCFM-PD

January to June, 2005

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
Department of fisheries , Thailand

Bi-annual Project Progress Report of LBCFM-PD

July to December, 2004

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
Department of fisheries , Thailand

Seminar, Development Concept of Coastal Fisheries Management in Pathew District Chumphon Province

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
Department of fisheries , Thailand

Seminar, Reccomment on Reseach Technical and Data Analysis on 17-18 August 2004

Collaboration project between
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
Department of fisheries , Thailand