Mobile On-site Training (MOT) on Facilitating Fisheries Information Gathering Through Introduction of Community Based Fisheries Management

Date: 1-10 July 2014
Venue: Sakon Nakhon Province, Thailand

Development Objectives:
1. Provincial/Local Fisheries Officers will have opportunities on the job training in establishing fisheries management approach in inland fisheries, including community fisheries is practiced widely which is an implication of how to operating fisheries management plan by themselves.

2. Through implementation of this project, useful knowledge and lessons on the promotion of Inland Fisheries community-based resources management will be obtained, which will be applicable to other ASEAN member countries.

Immediate Objectives:
1. Fisheries officers understand the situation of Nam Oon Dam, on problem and needed from fisheries community; and

2. Fisheries community understand their resources situation, and how to make management measures to be sustainable; and

3. Fisheries community and fisheries officers aware the important of co-management, community based resources management and right-based management; and

4. Fisheries community of Nam Oon Dam has committee as a network for autonomous fisheries management.

6 SEAFDEC’s staffs and 6 DOF’s staffs from head quarter and Management unit of Nam Oon Dam were meeting at Nam Oon Dam, the Department of Irrigation. Mr. Boonsong Phanchaiphum, Head of Management unit of Nam Oon Dam, presented on the objectives of project, the result of local workshop, work plan of three year (2013-2015), and explain more on the objective of this trip. The project is namely “Strengthen the participation on integrated fisheries management at Nam Oon Dam”. The objectives were 1) to manage fisheries resources in the Nam Oon Dam by co-management approach, and 2) to be pilot site on co-management approach of local communities and agency concern in the Nam Oon Dam. For base line survey, there are 22 main communities in 8 Sub-Districts, which near Nam Oon Dam. The total of fishers who registered with Management unit (DOF) are 384 fishers. The survey was designed to interview 30-40% of fishers (full-time and part-time fishermen) around Nam Oon Dam. In addition, we plan to have a meeting with 8 communities for fisheries management in the evening. There were three main issues for the meeting, 1) agreement on problem and solution with each community, 2) representative selection of each community, and 3) others problem from each community.

Base line Survey around Nam Oon Dam
Base line survey was conducted by interviewing the fishers in 22 communities around Nam Oon Dam, which located within 5 District covering 8 Sub-district namely: Rae, Nanai, Nongbua, Nongpling, Nikomnam-oon, Kudhai, Warichaphum and Plahlo. The questionnaire compose of four parts: 1) General information, 2) Fisheries sector, 3) Problems and solution on fisheries, and 4) Opinion on fisheries co-management. Most fishers engage in fishery and agriculture. They operate paddy field, rubber tree and cassava. The main purposes of fishery are source of income and consuming. Furthermore, the main fishing gear is gill net and fish trap. The total number of fishers interviewed is 139 fishers. In addition, there are 5 middlemen from Dong Kham pho, Huay Bun and Ban Klang community were interviewed to clarify on fish distribution in Nam Oon Dam area. The result of base line survey will be shown general information of fishermen, situation of fisheries resources, the fish market system, and the problems.

Meeting in the Communities in Nam Oon Dam area
The meeting was organized in each 8 communities and aimed to build awareness on the importance of co-management, make understand on the conservation area in Nam Oon Dam and select the fisheries community representatives to be the Inland Fisheries Management Committee in Nam Oon Dam for establishment a network on Fisheries Management.

Firstly, the meeting started with presentation of fisheries officers on the problems which was found in Nam Oon Dam as well as the ways to solve the problems that consist of 1) To collect fishing fee from fishers outside community whenever they would do fishing in the community, 2) To establish conservation area for fish habitat, 3) patrolling the illegal fishing especially Bug Lift net fishing. After that, the representatives from 8 communities namely: Thai Charoen, Dong Kham pho, Kud ta-kap, Na Chouk, Nong Pauu, Khok Sung, Ban Klang and Nong Pling were selected, totally there are 18 representatives.

In addition, DOF will organize the meeting to select the representatives from another 14 communities. After completed of selecting representative from 22 communities around Nam Oon Dam, DOF and SEAFDEC will invite all of representatives to have a meeting and discussion on work plan and regulations for fisheries management in Nam Oon Dam. This activity plan to held in November 2014 at Nam Oon Dam.
