Date: 10 - 14
December 2012
Venue: Vientiane, Lao PDR
1. To introduce the knowledge and
experience on practical approach to community-based co-management to fisheries
officer of
Lao PDR.
2. To train the trainers on organize
the community-based management with knowledge of community-based and
rights-based fisheries management training course for local fishermen groups.
3. To strengthen practical in
competence in planning and implementing the applicable inland fishery
management plans.
4. Gathering of the fishery data
and information and understanding the indicators of fishery status, (fish
catch, fish price, fishing effort), and socio-economic information.
5. Disseminate information
materials, such as brochure and poster, for enhancing awareness and knowledge
on sustainable fisheries development.
This was an another on-site training course on
community-based co-management in SEAFDEC Member Countries. There were three
main sessions for the training.
The first session was lecturing
on the importance of resource management for sustainable fisheries including
the fisheries management methods, which were comprised of MCS, community-based
co-management, rights-based fisheries, and ecosystem approach. Besides, the importance
of sustainable livelihoods and the communication skill were transferred to the
participants. Moreover, the mobile hatchery and fish releasing technique was a special lecture for Lao PDR, which introduced by the officer from DOF of

The third, trial presentation on two topics; 1) the importance
role of resource management for sustainable fisheries, 2) the concept of
community-based management and establishment of fisheries community were
assigned to the participants. The participants were divided into four groups
and make a group discussion to prepare the power point presentation. After that,
the participants (fishery officers) would play the role as fishery extension
officer to present to the fishery community. In
addition, the resource persons evaluated
the trial presentation that the participants made a good presentation and used
easy word that suitable for local fishermen. Furthermore, the presentation
should show the problems in the fishing community first and then introduced the
importance of fisher group establishment. After course evaluation, Dr. Yuttana
kindly declared the training close.