The training course on practical approach for enhancing community-based fisheries co-management in inland fisheries of Thailand

Date: 14 - 18 January 2013
Venue: Lamtakong Research Station, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand

Development Objective:
Community fisheries co-management is practiced widely which is an implication of training course of training for trainer on community fisheries co-management. The trained fisheries are able to convey knowledge and experiences obtained from the course to further disseminate to local community. Hence, local community will participated more in managing fisheries resources in the future.

Immediate Objectives:
1. Fisheries officers have knowledge on the important role of sustainable fisheries resources management, fisheries law, and appropriate Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS).

2. Fisheries officer thoroughly understand the principle of community fisheries resources co-management, rights-based fisheries management, community-based co-management, mobile hatchery, nursery cage/pen and fish release.

3. Fisheries officers aware the importance of socio-economic information and its linkage to fisheries management for the sake of improving livelihood.

The on-site training was conducted by collaboration among SEAFDEC, Department of Fisheries (DOF), Thailand and Japanese Trust Fund (JTF). The Secretary-General of SEAFDEC, Dr. Chumnarn Pongsri, and The Deputy Secretary-General and JTF Manager, Mr. Kenji Matsumoto, kindly delivered a welcome speech to all the participants. As well as, the Deputy Director-General of Fisheries, Mr. Surajit Intarachit, kindly declared the training open. The participants in this training, totally 40 persons, were the fisheries officers who responsible for inland fisheries management.

During 5 days training, the participants were received and learned a lot of the important role of resource management, community-based co-management, Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS), rights-based fisheries including the importance of socio-economic information. Beside, the resource persons from DOF also kindly presented on fisheries law, the case study of Huay Luang reservoir and Songkham river, mobile hatchery and fish releasing technique as well as installation and operation of nursery fish cage and fish pen.

In addition,  The mobile hatchery and fish releasing technique were demonstrated to the participants at the Lamtakong Research Station. Furthermore, the demonstration on fish cage and fish pen nursery were presented to the participants and 40 fishermen at the Lamtakong reservoir. The DOF also gave the fry fish comprised of Silver Barb and Common Carp (totally 100,000 fish) and the private company gave Julian's Golden Prize Crap (2,000 fish) for fish releasing. After finished the training, the participants received the certificate and the fisherman received the souvenir.    

The training course on practical approach to community-based fisheries management in coastal area of Myanmar

Date: 17 - 21 December 2012
Venue: Yangon, Myanmar

1. To introduce the knowledge and experience on practical approach to community-based fisheries management to fisheries officer of Myanmar.
2. To strengthen practical in competence in planning and implementing the applicable coastal fishery management plans.
3. To enhance the HRD of fisheries officer to organize the community-based management with knowledge of community-based and rights-based fisheries management training course for local fishermen group.


With the collaborated between SEAFDEC, Japanese Trust Fund, and Department of Fisheries of Myanmar organized the on-site training course on practical approach to community-based fisheries management in coastal area of Myanmar. The training course aimed to transfer knowledge and experience on community-based and rights-based fisheries management to fishery officers of Myanmar.

The Director-General of Department of Fisheries, Myanmar, Mr. Khin Ko Lay kindly declared the training open and welcomed SEAFDEC and all participants to the training. The training was start by lecturing on the important role of resource management including MCS as well as community-based and rights-based fisheries management for sustainable fisheries. Furthermore, the Deputy Chief of SEAFDEC-Training Department, Mr. Kenji Mutsumoto, kindly presented on the fisheries extension service in Japan. In addition, the community-based management in freshwater reservoir (Nam Houm, Lao PDR) also introduced to the participants as a case study for inland fisheries management.

After that, the participants were divided into four groups (10 persons/group) to make the trial presentation on two topics. The first topic was “important role of resource management for sustainable fisheries management” for group 1 and 2. The second topic was “concept of community-based fisheries management and establishment of community fisheries organization” for group 3 and 4. Each group had 20 minutes to make a presentation by using power point, flip chart or other media.

Regarding to the trial presentation, four groups were present to the training and received the comments and suggestions from the resources person. The presentation still used the technical words so it should changed to easy word for clearly understanding of fishermen in fishing community. However, some groups’ presentation show the picture and clearly explain on the role of resource management and fishers’ group establishment.

On the last session, the Deputy Chief of SEAFDEC-Training Department kindly made a speech to declare the training close.  

The training course on practical approach for enhancing community-based co-management in inland fisheries of Lao PDR

Date: 10 - 14 December 2012
Venue: Vientiane, Lao PDR

 1. To introduce the knowledge and experience on practical approach to community-based co-management to fisheries officer of Lao PDR.
2. To train the trainers on organize the community-based management with knowledge of community-based and rights-based fisheries management training course for local fishermen groups.
3. To strengthen practical in competence in planning and implementing the applicable inland fishery management plans.
4. Gathering of the fishery data and information and understanding the indicators of fishery status, (fish catch, fish price, fishing effort), and socio-economic information.
5. Disseminate information materials, such as brochure and poster, for enhancing awareness and knowledge on sustainable fisheries development.

This was an another on-site training course on community-based co-management in SEAFDEC Member Countries. There were three main sessions for the training.

The first session was lecturing on the importance of resource management for sustainable fisheries including the fisheries management methods, which were comprised of MCS, community-based co-management, rights-based fisheries, and ecosystem approach. Besides, the importance of sustainable livelihoods and the communication skill were transferred to the participants. Moreover, the mobile hatchery and fish releasing technique was a special lecture for Lao PDR, which introduced by the officer from DOF of Thailand.   

The second session was the practice on mobile hatchery and fish releasing technique for Common Silver Barb. The participants and fishery officers of Lao PDR prepared the mobile hatchery demonstration in front of fishing village in Nam Houm reservoir. Furthermore, the participants were trained about the hormone injection and fish artificial insemination method.     

The third, trial presentation on two topics; 1) the importance role of resource management for sustainable fisheries, 2) the concept of community-based management and establishment of fisheries community were assigned to the participants. The participants were divided into four groups and make a group discussion to prepare the power point presentation. After that, the participants (fishery officers) would play the role as fishery extension officer to present to the fishery community. In addition, the resource persons evaluated the trial presentation that the participants made a good presentation and used easy word that suitable for local fishermen. Furthermore, the presentation should show the problems in the fishing community first and then introduced the importance of fisher group establishment. After course evaluation, Dr. Yuttana kindly declared the training close.