Date: 14-18
November 2016
Venue: Sakon
Nakhon Province, Thailand
1. To monitor catch data from logbook recording by
fishers themselves,
2. To monitor fisheries management measures during
close season of Nam Oon Reservoir,
3. To monitor fish processing product in the
community operated by women’s group,
4. To monitor
on the fish species at the landing site.
SEAFDEC team, DOF staff and Fisheries Patrol unit of Nam Oon Dam had a discussion at Nam
Oon Dam Fishery Management Unit about the objectives of
this trip. The trip would visit two landing site at Ban Dong Kham Pho and Ban
Kud Takap in early morning with the aim to observe the fish catch composition
from the fishing operation in Nam Oon Dam.
We found two fishers who use gill net fishing gear. They set the gill net in the evening and harvested in the
morning. Most of catch was Tilapia. They sell their catch
to the villager at house by themselves and sometimes sell to middlemen when
their catch is high volume. Moreover, we have discussed
with the middlemen at Ban Dong Kham Pho about fish product. The
middlemen explained that they bought fish product from the aquaculture in
Banglen, Nakorn Prathom Province to serve as raw material for making fish
processing product due to the fish product from Nam Oon Dam is insufficiency
for consumption in the community. Moreover,
SEAFDEC visited landing site at Ban Kud Takap community and met a fisher who coming
back from fishing by using longline fishing gear. The fish catch fish species was
Clown featherback and sold in the village.
Furthermore, the trip would visit fish processing
group in order to share knowledge on group management and marketing for fish
processing product. The Fish Processing Group was
established at Ban Donh Kham Pho consisted of 30 members. The
fish species mostly are Clown featherback and lipped barb, which was bought from
5 fishers in the community about 150-200 kg/day. The fish collected divide into 2 parts: 50% sell to the middlemen and the rest 50% for
fish processing product. The
main fish processing product are fish fermented cover by banana leave and Dry
smoky fish. The members who are involved in fish
processing activity gain the income with higher rate than minimum wage and get
the dividend. The marketing channel was operated through Internet
Social Network system (facebook and line) and
main product is fermented fish which sold nearby Khonkaen Province and Bangkok. Dry smoky fish product is distributed in
the village and neighbor village. This group has a fund
that can provided loan for members.
In addition, the sign buoy that provided by SEAFDEC
for clarifying the conservation area between Ban Dong Kam
Pho and Ban Nachuak communities was good response from the community. Moreover,
SEAFDEC also plan to install the sign buoy to indicate the conservation zone at
Ban Thai Chareon community. The survey on the conservation
area and position for installation of sign buoy was conducted by using patrol
boat and Drone. The positions for sign
buoy installing was confirmed by Head of village of Ban Thai Chareon. The sign buoy can be a symbol to indicate the conservation
area for the outsider who come to fishing in the conservation area.
Moreover, the local meeting organized in 3 points. The meeting would present the result of
catching data from fishing logbook recorded by fishers during
1 March - 5 April (before close season) and
comparison catch between year 2015 and 2016. Moreover, the
meeting discussed with the communities on the fisheries management measure that
is implemented in the Nam Oon Dam after close season including the problems on
fisheries. The result from the local meeting
was showed below:
point 1 at Ban Na Than which
composed of Ban Na lao, Ban Huay Bun, Ban Nong Phua and Ban Na Than. The fishers attended the meeting were 19 fishers. The
result of point 1 showed that the average catch/trip of fisher in 2015
is 7.6 kg and 5.1 kg in
2016. The meeting suggested to provide the incentive to
fishermen who have recorded the fishing logbook. SEAFDEC
will prepare T-shirt to give the fishermen volunteer who fill
out the catch logbook.
Point 3 at Ban Thai Chareon which composed of Ban Kud Takap, Ban Nong Pling, Ban Na Kham and Ban Thai Chareon. The fishers attended the meeting were 19 fishers. The
result of point 3 showed that the average catch/trip of fisher is 5.2 and 5.9 kg in 2015 and 2016,
respectively. The fishers expressed their opinion that the mesh size of gill
net should not smaller than 3 cm.
Point 4 at Ban Dong Kham Pho which composed of Ban Na Chuak, Ban Dong Kham Pho, Ban Nong Bua and Ban Khong Pakuay. The fishers attended the meeting were 21 fishers. The
result of point 4 showed that the average catch/trip is 10.1
and 7.9 kg in 2015 and 2016,
respectively. The point 4 can catch fish more than other
point because they are full time fishers. The fishers
shared the information that Clown featherback was difficult to find in this
year due to the climate change. The dry season is longer led to low water level
and this species stay in deep water level.

Discussion on the future work
SEAFDEC will prepare the sign buoys to install in
Nam Oon reservoir for indicating the conservation area at Ban Thai Chareon
Community. The estimate period for installation is in
February 2017.
The boat registration and fishing gear licensing are
necessary for the fishers. It need to encourage the fishers and support them for
fishing legally. It might be can protected from illegal fishing outsiders.
Nam Oon Dam Fisheries Patrol Unit should inform the
fishers around Nam Oon Dam on the importance of boat registration and fishing
gear licensing including the registration fee. Therefore,
the local meeting on the process of registration will be organized in the
community around Nam Oon Dam for more understanding and participation of
In order to do the boat registration and fishing
gear licensing, the mobile unit system from the government officers, who take
responsibility on these, should come to the community for easily registration.