Date: 21-22 July 2016
Venue: Siem
Reap Province, Cambodia
1. To monitoring and evaluation
on Co-management/CBFM implementation in Chong
Khneas Commune,
2. To identify issues and
challenges for
improvement of fishery management in Chong
Khneas Commune and
find out appropriate
3. To develop Implementation Plan in
Co-management/CBFM in Chong
Khneas fishing community.
July 2016
The participants of the Meeting were 15 persons divided into 13 community members and 2 officers. The Meeting was started by introducing the participants on the purpose, time table, and output of this meeting. After that, Mr. Sombut, head of Chong Khneas Community Fisheries, presented on the progress of CFi Management Plan for 2015. The CFi community has implemented some activities of the fisheries management plan. There are three main part of the CFi Management Plan.

they installed five signboards (2 concrete and 3 wood signboards) at the
conservation area. For the patrolling, they have the permanent guards as well
as they record the name of illegal fishing who destroy the forest. Now the
illegal fishers are decreasing. However, they are trying to find other funding
from outside for supporting their activity. For data collection, they have done
since 2010. They made the form to input the data about the number of fishing
boat and gears, size of boat, catch amount for family consumption, family number, period
for fishing (which month/date), and type of boat. The fishing boat is use for
many purposes, not only fishing but for
tourist too. However, the total catch data did not recorded because it did not
clear. The fisher cannot record the fish species because they do not know the
addition, some activities did not implemented yet such as repair patrol boat
and CFi floating office. Also to collect the contribution from the CFi members
have not implemented yet because the fishers still poor and do not have much
money for donation.
second part is “Rehabilitation”. The community already planted 800 flooding
forest at Rang Phtong, Tros, and Chra Keng. Moreover, they established the
stump for fish habitat in 15 locations in the conservation area. In each
location, they use three poles, which made by wood. On the top of stump, it
could be the bird’s nest. The poles were collected
during the patrolling activity from the lake, and also took it off from illegal
fishing. In
addition, there are some activities have not been done yet because of no budget
such as cement artificial shelf.
third part is “Livelihood”. The community plan to increase income for the
fisheries household by introducing the ecotourism, aquaculture, livestock,
vegetable plantation, and microfinance. But, they could not implemented the
activities because some problems such as the technical and budget. The
community cannot collect the enter fee from the tourists because it belong to
the company. The aquaculture extension is not familiar with the officer
especially snakehead aquaculture because in the part
snakehead aquaculture were banned, but now it is allowed for culture.
Therefore, the officers have less knowledge and experience for aquaculture
extension. For
livestock, they would like to introduce the chicken culture but it was not good
because of disease. For the vegetable plantation, the fishers do not have land
for plantation. For microfinance, the community did not implemented because of
less of knowledge to do the microfinance.

July 2016
session was talking about the summary and discussion on the problem and related
issue for Chong Khneas Community Management Plan. Firstly, Mr. Sombut kindly
presented on the summary of the management action progress year 2015. The
community has disseminated the rule and fisheries law by annually meeting for
all community fisheries members to increase their awareness on laws and
regulations. As well as, they have monthly meeting with committees and officers
to share and discussion on various related fisheries issues. Next activity was data
collection on fishing gear and fishing boat. Moreover, they have patrolling activity
with cooperation of fisheries authority. Furthermore, the repairing of pier of
floating community office by using 300 USD. In 2016, they have plan to repair
the floating community office and need to find the funding support from other
sectors. However, there are some activities such as planting forest, which was
planned in 2015, have not been done yet because of water level rising. Some activities
cannot done in 2015, therefore, it need to propose to continue in 2016.
community have the problems on fishing ground such as during the dry season, it
has fire in the flooding forest while in the raining season, it has the illegal
fishing. Moreover, the additional income from ecotourism is still have problem
because the fishers do not have right to collect the entrance fee from the
tourists. The right is belong to the private company. The community will have
conflict with the interest of company, if they use a rolling boat to go to
conservation area by passing the company's rote. Therefore, the community needs
to use other rote that no have any service from the company. There is another
rote which can bring the tourists to the conservation area by using motorbike,
but the rote need to reconstruction. The community have planned to reconstruct
the rote but the government need to do the environmental survey first.
addition, Chong Khneas community has various stakeholders. Therefore, it would
be good if the key stakeholder take the responsibilities for fisheries
management. Now, the community committee plan to discuss with the private
company to share the benefit to community including take responsibilities for
fisheries resources management because the private company also get the benefit
from the fisheries resources and ecosystem services. In case of the middlemen, the
middlemen can share some small percentages for fisheries resources management
activities. Because if the fishers get a small amount of fish catch, the
middlemen also get small income from fishers.
Furthermore, Dr.
Yuttana kindly suggested on the livelihood that the fishers do not have land
for vegetable plantation. They can use the water hyacinth and soil to make the
land on water surface of pond. The water depth is 2.5 meter. The water hyacinth
would be the first layer (50 cm) and switch to soil (20 cm). They make 3 layers
of each, which on the top surface is a soil. After that, the people can plant
many kind of vegetable such as tomato and morning glory. For the shallow water
of canal for entering
to the conservation area, fishers can use flat bottom boat such as kayak. The kayak
boat is suitable for the tourist. The community can use the mold wood and cover
by fiberglass and resin which it less cost and the fishers can make by themselves.
future plan on co-management in Chong Khneas Community in 2017, the community fisheries
committees agree that they have to strengthen patrolling activity in the Lake
Pear Rang (conservation areas) that have water bird and near Siem Reap town. The
list of the activities are shown at the following:
plan on 2017
1. In principle CF committee member agree and
strengthen on patrolling activity at conservation area, because in “Lake pear
rang” area, there is not only bird but a lot of bio-diversity;
2. Community Fisheries community member
participate in managing community fishing area;
3. Reparation the road from Aranh village,
Sangkat Siem Reap, Siem Reap Town to Daytanone may be started in March 2017
(the road is 4 km and narrow size, it will be repaired by digging soil from
canal aside this road). This road will be useful to access to conservation area
for patrolling activity and also can
sharing money from tourist, who visit conservation area for conservation
activity in the future;
4. They plan to repair the floating office and
bring to conservation area;
5. They will use 3 stake-pole for Artificial
reef for fish and bird;
6. Make 4 sign boards on conservation area in
7. Produce one small fiber boat;
8. Plan to plant 1,000 flooded forest tree;
9. Dissemination of vegetable floating farm to
community member;
10. Co-operation on patrolling with 3 Sangkat
Authority (Chong Khneas, Siem Reap and Chreav).