November 2014
Nakhon Province, Thailand
1. Fisheries officers understand the situation of Nam Oon Dam, on problem and needed from fisheries community.
2. Fisheries community understand the resources situation, and how to manage
to be sustainable.
3. Fisheries community
and fisheries officers
aware the important
of co-management, community-based resources management and right-based management.
4. Fisheries community of Nam Oon Dam has committee to be network
on fisheries management.
The workshop
were divided into two sessions, lecture
and group discussion. The lecture was presented by resource persons from
Department of Fisheries and SEAFDEC. The lectures were about 1) "Inland Fisheries Management and
Law and measurement setting for
to enhance knowledge of the participants and
2) "Co-management in ASEN Countries,
Participatory Activities of Fisheries Management" to transfer the
experiences of fisheries co-management in Southeast Asian and activities for co-management.
SEAFDEC presented the results of the base line survey at Num Oon that were
collected during 2-9 July 2014. The results
of survey showed 1) the demographic information and fisheries character, 2) fisheries
problems and resolution, 3) fishers perception on fisheries co-management and
fish distribution.
In addition, there were three topics for
the group discussion session:
1. Fishing
gear and fishing activities, which composed of two sub-topics: 1) Types of
allow fishing gear and 2) Prohibited
fishing gear.
2. Spatial/Fishing
ground composed
of four sub-topics: 1) Conservation and sanctuary area under law and
regulation, 2) Close season, 3) Protected area, and 4) Fishing ground allow by
gear/fishing activities.
3. New
close season setting through community rule, which composed of
three sub-topics: 1) Close season only some area,
2) Close season in some fishing habitat, and 3) Close season during dry

present results of group discussion, the workshop was end by inspector of Department
of Fisheries, Ms. Sirirak Suvanrangsri. She express her appreciated on this
workshop that it was very useful for co-management and community based
management in Nam Oon Dam. Besides, she hope that this program can be a good
model to other inland fisheries management in Thailand .