Date: 8-10 June 2010
Venue: Ban Thongkrog Village, Bangnamjeud Sub-district, Langsuan District, Chumphon Province
Objective of the workshop:
1. To promote local fishers and residence to recognize an importance of environment friendly to sustainable fisheries.
2. To build up and strengthen local people’s awareness on responsible fisheries resource utilization friendly to environment.
3. To promote local fishers and residence participated in sustainable fisheries management.
1. To promote local fishers and residence to recognize an importance of environment friendly to sustainable fisheries.
2. To build up and strengthen local people’s awareness on responsible fisheries resource utilization friendly to environment.
3. To promote local fishers and residence participated in sustainable fisheries management.
Activity implementation:
The second on-site training was continually delivered an impact of green house effect to community ecological marine environment in accordance with local people practiced on daily garbage elimination and waste water drainage. The presentation repeatedly explained the rationale of environment management in the community. The green house effect and climate change was clarified its impact to other community and the world. To alleviate a violence of the impact to the community, the presentation was introduced an integrated practice to reduce the impact of green house effect as fig1.
The second on-site training was continually delivered an impact of green house effect to community ecological marine environment in accordance with local people practiced on daily garbage elimination and waste water drainage. The presentation repeatedly explained the rationale of environment management in the community. The green house effect and climate change was clarified its impact to other community and the world. To alleviate a violence of the impact to the community, the presentation was introduced an integrated practice to reduce the impact of green house effect as fig1.

Fig. 1 Integrated management for environment friendly to sustainable fisheries
Three main practices were suggested such as reducing of methane gas by making organic fertilizer from food and vegetable as daily garbage from a household; reducing carbon dioxide from stopped burning garbage, recycle trash and conducting garbage bank in the community; and reducing waste water drained directly to the ground and wisely and economically use water. These practices were emphasized based on local people practice and experience. After delivered the presentation, fifteen audiences divided into two groups to discuss on two topics;
1. How do you hand and participate in managing environment in your community? and
2. In the next five years, how will environment in your community be?
2. In the next five years, how will environment in your community be?
To evaluate how far audiences understood the workshop, the workshop evaluation form was distributed to the audiences to fill out the form. There were twenty audience responded the form. The report of the evaluation would merely focus on what the audiences gained and their suggestion and recommendation should be done for improving environment in their community.
Gained knowledge:
1. Understand right methods of preventing, solving and management environment
2. Understand an importance of garbage management and elimination, recycle and garbage bank management
3. Better understand the impact of green house effect and climate change
4. Acknowledge on making organic fertilizer from left food and waste water management
5. Receive an useful information apply for their genuine practice
6. Increase local people awareness
Suggestion and Recommendation:
1. Should continually organize the workshop to build up awareness of local residences.
2. Should have variety of training methods included expanded duration of training
3. Should provide picture concerned the impact for trainingThe organizer should inform the community earlier in order to have massive residence’s participation in the workshop.
1. Should continually organize the workshop to build up awareness of local residences.
2. Should have variety of training methods included expanded duration of training
3. Should provide picture concerned the impact for trainingThe organizer should inform the community earlier in order to have massive residence’s participation in the workshop.