This activity was planned into four sub-activities by SEAFDEC/TD staff coordinated with the Department of Fisheries, Thailand. The first sub-activity was the National Workshop on Guideline and Standard method of data collection and indicator of Large-scale fisheries indicator in Thailand. The second sub-activity was the National Workshop on Guideline and Standard method of data collection and indicator of Small-scale fisheries indicator in Thailand. The third was the Consulting Workshop with fishing community on participating in data collection Thailand. The last sub-activity was the Conclusive National workshop on Guideline and Standard method of data collection and indicator of Large-scale and small-scale fisheries in Thailand.

The first and second national workshops were held on 5-7 August and 13-15 August 2008, respectively. Thai fisheries officials have specialization on trawl, purse seine and small-scale fishing gears were invited. They spent three days to discuss and finalize a preliminary draft of standard method (log book) and guideline for fish data collection of Thailand for large-scale and small-scale fisheries. The drafted log book of data collection would be tested by fisheries officials. In addition, the workshops designed questionnaire for local users to fill out. The questionnaire for local users was as tool to get local users’ participation in recognizing their socio-economic status of their household and business in fisheries. The questionnaire for local users would be tested and practiced with local users’ participation under the stakeholder consultative workshop in a selected fishing community with the workshops’ recommendation. The result of test process of large and small scale fisheries at both of official and user levels would be as input for discussing at the fourth national workshop.